Blind Date (Fluff, slight angst)

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⚠Disclaimer⚠: This work is fiction and (mostly) nothing in this fic is based on true events. Every character is a (or based on a) real person. Cursing.

It was 4:00. Mark had a blind dinner date with some guy he had never met before at 6:30.

This date was set up by his really good friends he sometimes does YouTube videos with, Bob and Wade. Ever since Mark came out as gay, the two were on a mission to hook him up with some random guy on Grindr that they thought Mark would be interested in.

First date: Mark liked the idea and was on board. The dude wasn't Mark's type. No biggie.

Second date: First date was alright. It didn't work out but that's okay. Mark was willing to trust Bob and Wade's words on this new guy. Bad. Fucking. Idea. This dude was terrible. Bad manners and was only looking to get into Mark's pants.
Mark left after the second sex joke the guy made, but not before slapping him and making him pay for the bill.

Third date: This one. The date he's about to go to. The only reason Mark agreed was for his friends. This date probably won't even go well so why bother? Was Mark looking forward to this? Definitely not. Will he still dress nice? Absolutely.

As Mark was about to get into the shower, he got a text message from Ethan.


Blueberry: Watcha doin???

Me: Getting ready for another blind date -_-

Blueberry: lemme guess- Bob and Wade?

Mark chuckled. Mark told all of this to Ethan. The blue haired boy seemed to be very interested in what Mark has to say about his dates, especially after the second one.

Me: OFC! I swear if this date doesn't go well I'm never going on a stupid blind date again!

Blueberry: Better get your hopes up lol

Me: shut up XD

Blueberry: nO

Me: Welp— I gotta go take a shower I only have an hour and 30 minutes to get ready.

Blueberry: alright have fun! Bye!

Me: Bye!!!!

Mark turned his phone off and got into the warm shower.

Once he was done, Mark got dressed in a formal-casual outfit. Dried and slicked back his long, luscious locks. (So rn he kinda looks like Damien from WKM but more casual)

Mark was ready. He looked in the mirror to see how handsome he looked for his blind date.
'Who knows, maybe this one will be better than the last one.' Mark thought. He took a deep breath in through the nose and out through his mouth.

"Okay, phew, I'm ready! " Mark said to himself, looking into the mirror.

He checked the time on his phone and found out that it was 5:17. The diner was about 30 minutes away so he went to his bedside table and grabbed the keys to his car.

Once Mark got into his car, he texted Bob and Wade on a group chat Bob had made when they roped Mark into this mess.

Partner Finders

Me: K guys omw to the diner


Me: shut up XD

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