𝐱𝐯𝐢. ʀᴜɴ ʀᴇᴅʜᴇᴀᴅ ʀᴜɴ!

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^outfit above^

^outfit above^

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧!❩


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REBEKAH WISHED SHE COULD BE IN HER BED, WATCHING RERUNS OF GOLDEN GIRLS, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT HOW SHE WISHED TO SPEND HER SATURDAY NIGHT. When Alice had told the family about the vision of Victoria, the Cullens quickly put a plan together. When the redhead would come through they would be ready for her.

But still, Rebekah wasn't looking forward to chasing the ginger hussy throughout the forest, but she doubted that anyone other than Rose would be on her side about it.

So she stood by Carlisle, watching and listening to the sounds of nature.

"Did you really wear a Batman shirt to chase the bitch?" Emmett muttered lowly from beside her, earning an elbow from his younger sister.

"Shut up and focus."

"Don't start saying that - "I am the night!" - shit, that is more of Eddie's thing." He continued and Rebekah shot him a glare.


Her attention fell on Alice whose eyes were glazed over, intently watching something in her mind. Rebekah readied herself for the signal to take off. Without Edward - she was the only one who could catch Victoria, with Emmett right behind her.

Jasper spoke up this time. "You sure this is where you saw her?" He asked his wife.

"She's almost here." Alice whispered, her eyes closing, and then there was silence once more.

Rebekah bounced on the heels of her feet, hands flexing and shoulders rolling. Her and Emmett shared a look, both of them ready to spring into action like lions on a hunt.

"On your left!" And just like that, the chase began.

Rebekah was the first to take off with Emmett and Rose right behind her. Carlisle and Jasper go wide, looking to cut Victoria off while Esme and Alice follow up the rear.

The youngest Cullen's eyes land on the redhead and she pushes herself farther - willing her legs to run faster. And when she sees an opening, she takes it.

The brunette jumps towards the redhead only for Victoria to dodge her at the last second, making a sharp turn that causes Rebekah to skid to a stop before following behind her. Emmett catches up to her sister, both of them running side by side - before Rebekah shoots her older brother a smirk and leaves him in the dust.

And then, Victoria jumps the ravine.

Rebekah digs her heels into the ground as the Cullens all come to a stop, a snarl on her face as she watches the redhead flee onto the Quileute's land - knowing they couldn't go after her.

"She's in their territory." Carlisle breathes out just as Rebekah takes off down their side of the treaty line, running side by side with Victoria. She hears her family behind her, but she doesn't let her eyes leave the redhead.

"She'll get away!" It was Esme who yelled and Rebekah let out a growl.

"No, she won't!" Jasper shouted.

"Like hell, she will!" Rebekah hissed.

Suddenly throw the trees, large wolves appear from the brush - all snarling as they chase after Victoria as well. Rebekah was in awe at their size and stature. She had never actually seen one this close before, and suddenly she felt small looking at the creatures.

"All ours now!" Emmett's voice brings her out of her thoughts and she looks to see that Victoria is back on their side and Rebekah shares a look with Emmett.

Her brother dives in front of her, landing in a crouch position allowing Rebekah to jump up, her foot landing on his back. As soon as the pad of her shoe made contact with Emmet's back - the large brute pushed up, causing his sister to fly through the air.

Rebekah collided with Victoria in a fury of snarls and growls. She had her arm wrapped around the redhead's neck, but that position didn't last long.

Victoria reached for Rebekah's arms, and hauled her over the shoulder - the older vampire was much stronger than she was and suddenly Rebekah felt herself fly through the air again. The girl grunted when she crashed into a large tree, she felt the cracks crawl up her back from the impact.

Rebekah hissed softly as she pushed herself up - her vision blurry from the impact of the crash.

And she looked up just in time to see Emmett jump over the treaty line.

"EMMETT!" She screamed just as Rosalie yelled, and she watched in horror as her brother was thrown away from the treaty line by a large silver wolf.

She watched as the two went to charge at each other and used her strength to throw herself down into the ravine, landing between the two creatures. "Enough both of you!" She growled, placing her hands out - acting as a barrier between the two males.

"Get out of the way, Rebekah." Emmett ordered lowly, but Rebekah didn't back down.

"Come on, Em. Let it go. Walk away." Rebekah reasoned with her brother before she looked over to the wolf who was snarling at them. "We all want the same thing, I hope next time you can let this petty rivalry go long enough to get rid of that redheaded parasite." She narrowed her eyes at the wolf as she backed up lightly - pushing Emmett back with her.

"Easy, Bekah." Jasper ordered lightly.

But, Emmett was still furious, trying to go around his sister to get to the wolf. So Rebekah did the one thing she hated to do to her family.

Her hand shot out to clutch Emmett's wrist and she closed her eyes. In her mind, she envisioned clear white veins traveling from her arm - radiating calmness as they traveled into her brother's body.

Rebekah hated using her gift on her family, but if it was needed to avoid a blood bath - she would have to get over it.

At the end of the night, Rebekah just wished she would have stayed in bed.

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]

Thoughts? Ideas? Predictions?

Be sure to let me know!

Until the next update!


𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat