Chapter 1

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Chapter one (The start)

Running tremors on my weak body. I look down from the place I am standing. I see the ground, I played since I was three laughing. I see the old maple tree where I sat singing.

I see the house of my neighbors and remember the time I spent with their dead dogs in my childhood. Tears fall on the wind to the ground from where I stood.

If I could go back, I really would. But one step forward would end it all. Because pain ends with one fall. That's why I am on my roof almost there to die but something in the view stops me before I try. The younger me seems to look me in my eye.

°Savy's POV°

"Okay, lights, camera, action!" the director yelled and the actors started to do their respective works, behind the camera the crew did its duty. There's a shooting going on the street next to my bus stop. People are crowding the place and it looks like the actors here a big fan base. Fanboys and girls were screaming with every ounce of energy they have inside of them.

I stand and wonder.

How does it feel to be seen?

Because I am invisible.

Invisible until someone needs to torture me.

The bus stops and I get in anxious about what is coming next, I sit in the last corner taking a deep breath and gripping my badly worn out bag pack. Its strangely peaceful as the bus rode for 15 minutes yet none of them did anything. Maybe today will be a good.

Maybe I spoke too early because I saw the bus stopping and the Karyl Lawren walking inside the minions of hers following. If you read or saw high school books or movies, there's always a main character whose body is Victoria's Secret worthy and face is of magazine covers and is always kind? Well, expect for the kindness part, Karyl and her minions are everything that screams main character.

"Why are you on bus today?" one of the guys in the front asked with a curious voice while the others got up offering seats.

"Because daddy snatched my car keys as the broke my tiny finger saying it's harmful." she said with fake sadness plastered on her face. With that she showed of a finger, wrapped in pink bandage.

I sure know why you are here.

Ignoring all the seats she and two of her minions came and sat next to me, I ignored them until I felt someone touch my hair and before I could more away, the chewing gum was already attached to my hair. I sigh and gripped my knees as my heart anger and pain at the same time. I want to cry but I can't because shed tears. They'd win, if I did. And the rest of the ride consisted of them laughing about it.

After I reached school, the first thing I did was grab a pair of scissors from the art room and rush to the bathroom to cut off the hair where the gum was there.

Since I had red hair, the place where I cut looked obvious. Our uniform was a shirt and short skirt, but I always wore a hoodie to cover the realities of my life, to cover what I hide walking out of the bathroom.

I walk to my locker and then I saw a loser tag stuck on the middle of the locker. I opened the locker only to find it drenched. Thankfully, I wrapped my books and other necessary things in a plastic bag. The damage wasn't too much.

I grab my needed things and close the door while tearing apart the sticker. Then I tied my hair into a bun, wore my cap and put on my hood. But then I saw everyone looked at me.

There's only one possible reason why everyone would stare at me when I am about to be attacked. I turn and immediately covered my books by hugging them as a water bag felt on me. I open my eyes to see the color on my skin to find it's blue.

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