21. Season Finale Part 3 not finished

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Final Part.

Well... Here we go... Final part of this book. I hope youll enjoy this fun ride~

Assault, murder, angst

Jinx's pov


I Smiled as I saw the man begining to panic. My laughter echoed the surrounding area and the knife I held was in my hand edging closer towards the man.

The man stayed still and in shock, he didnt bother to move anymore. He knew his fate.

"You could've run away... Nevermind!" I shouted and the man fell to the ground.

I tiptoed closer and pulled him up by his hair. His body was limb and he was looking into my eyes begging for me to stop.

For a second I heard Y/N screaming. I twitched and went back into my thoughts.

Blood oozed out of the man's throat, choking noises came from his mouth and his arms were spasming to shove me off but i remained holding the mans hair and watching his eyes turn from colour to darkness.

Sighing, i threw his body into a dumpster and threw the knife into it as well.

I lit a small fire and moved the flame towards the dumpster and made it alight.

I realized that my clothes were quite bloody and so were my hands. I grunted in annoyance and ran into a random building hoping to find a bathroom.

I found one, this building seemed empty as well. There werent any cameras nearby so i took my chances.

Turning the tap and locking the door, i began cleaning the mess over myself. Tears came down as i realized what ive done...

I killed a man.

For Y/N.

Ive killed people before but that was unintentional, this was supposed to happen. Why am I so upset about this..?

I began breaking down in the toilets and trying to get rid of the remaining blood off of myself.

"Oh Y/N... The things I do for you..."

Y/N's pov

"Needs you..."

My head ached and lungs felt compact from whatever was surrounding them. I tried to open my eyes but i felt so tired...

I began coughing and gasping to breathe, then i awoke.

Light boomed into my eyes and i blinked to get them used to the new lighting, I looked to my left to see Vi at my side holding my hand tightly and she was speaking to me. I couldnt make out what she was saying and my eyes began closing again

I felt her hold my hand tighter and speak to me clearly

"C'mon Y/N we cant loose you now..."

My eyes stayed open as I saw her look at me and smile softly.

My head still ached and i tried moving my arm over to lean on it but it was attached to wires and such.

I coughed and got up slightly

"W-what... Happened..?" I spoke croaky and broken

"You were stabbed Y/N... Dont you remember..?"

"Oh... I... I do..."

"Youre better now though! Youre gonna be good as new..."

"T...thank you..."

She smiled softly at me and hugged me. I hugged back and smiled in her embrace.

Once we finished our moment, i looked around the room to see a few 'get well soon' cards and some flowers...

Presumably from the children and my family.

I sighed and realized that Jinx wasnt there.

"W...wheres jinx?" I asked
"Shes with Cait"

A few moments later, Caitlyn came in without Jinx. Strange...

"Oh thank the gods! Y/N youre awake!" She shouts
"Wheres jinx?" Vi asks and Cait looks supprised

"Why would I know where Jinx is? Anyway, this is more serious. We had a suspect of who stabbed you and we arrested him. He's been found dead and burnt alive. I just need you to identify him."

I looked suprised. Did Vi lie about where Jinx was? And how is the only suspect already dead. Thats stupid.

"Damn..." I said quietly

"Wait... Where is Jinx??" Vi seemed more scared then before, "she said she was going to find you and the suspect."

"I never saw her... I was in my office writing paperwork until the escaped alarm went off... You dont think..?"

As soon as the two were discussing what Jinx could've done, she walked through the door looking miserable...

"Y/N?!" She shouted and ran towards me while smiling

"Youre okay, youre okay, youre okay..." She says as she holds me tightly.

She let go slightly and faced Vi, "before you have a go, I was about to go to hat lady but i stopped..." She looked at the ground in shame, "I went towards the police station but i stopped... I didnt want to go there as I was worried about Y/N then I was walking back then decided I was going towards the police station, then walked back. Yknoww??" She ranted

"I did make it to the police station asking for Caitlyn and they said that she came here and so I walked back here."

A/N 2

Incomplete. Wont finish.
Sorry :(
I just cant finish this, im sorry😭😭
I hope youve enjoyed what I did manage to make for this chapter

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