She turned just in time to see something large flying at her head. She ducked. It skimmed her head anyways, so it obviously it wasn't aimed at her. That was even more obvious when it hit a certain greasy haired boy who was walking in front of them.

Severus turned around with a withering glare, his eyes locking onto Carmilla and Charlie, who were trying and failing to hide their smiles.

He looked a bit like an angry crow. That wasn't an insult. Carmilla looked like a tired crow.

"It wasn't me! It was-" Carmilla turned around to point at whoever had thrown the hardcover book from behind them, but stopped when she saw that no one was there.

Snape looked murderous as Charlie let a giggle slip.

"I swear, I didn't throw it...." She muttered, picking up the book that was now in the still slightly muddy grass. It had a picture of some creepy shadow thing coming out of a cupboard, and big gold lettering that Carmilla couldn't read.

She threw it in the direction it had come from, a muffled shriek came from the empty air the book collided with.

"See!" Carmilla called back at the oily and angry boy while she was being dragged away by a still laughing Charlie.

"You didn't even help me," she sulked, following him to where the Ravenclaw and Slytherin students were gathered on the lawn.

"It was fun to watch."

Carmilla rolled her eyes. After collecting a twig fairy each, which were called bow truckles, they took the creatures to a dry patch of grass. Today they were supposed to be drawing the bow truckle they'd picked out to then label.

The diagrams were the only way Carmilla was doing well at her classes at this point. June and Ace were making their way through the textbooks, so she wasn't behind in class anymore, and June was teaching her the alphabet, but it was slow going.

There was only so many times you could deal with Ace jumping out from behind something and quizzing you on which letter is which before you went insane.

"Stay still you little prick! ...Wait no I didn't mean it like that, come back, I love you!"

Carmilla mourned her escaped bow truckle, who was now running at full pelt towards a welcoming Charlie. Animals didn't like her. Taking into account that she was half vampire; it was to be expected. They probably smelt the fangs and the goth float off her from a mile away, but since she couldn't tell anyone about that, she just looked dumb.

"You just have to be careful and kind." Charlie lectured her. He was now holding both of their green twig animals in each hand.

"I am being careful." She huffed, drawing the little leaf on 'her' bow truckles legs. It was currently sitting on top of Charlies head, bending a little in the breeze. She hoped it wouldn't snap.

"Are you though?" he asked.

Carmilla shot him a glare and went back to her drawing. She was thankful it was something she could do, but she would still much rather be finishing the painting of Hagrid's hut. She only had the ivy growing up the walls and the funny little magical plants growing out of old teapots by the door to do.

Students ran from the greenhouse on the other side of the ground, and the Care of Magical Creatures class all turned to watch an explosion destroy the fragile building. They went back to their drawings.

They sat in silence, save the occasional groan from Charlie when he screwed up his diagram and started again. Carmilla traced the outline of the beady eyes. It was nice with Charlie; she didn't feel like she had to be faking and hiding the whole time.

Cherry Lips // s. blackWhere stories live. Discover now