Case 6: Co-workers

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Jeffrey: How much does this cost?

Cashier: 1 dollar.

Jeffrey: 1 dollar for a soda?

Cashier: Yes sir.

Jeffrey: Alright.

Jeffrey digs into his pocket, and puts a note on the table.l for the cashier to read.

"There's a pistol in my pocket. Make any sudden movements, and your dead. Take out everything in the register. Make it quick."

The cashier processes what Jeffrey's note says, and unfortunately for Jeff. This cashier was indeed the wrong one to pull this on, because he immediately grabs Jeffrey and pulls him over the counter.

Cashier: You have some nerve to try and rob me!

Jeffrey isn't phrased by his plan not working. Even so, a magican doesn't reveal all his tricks. Jeffrey throws his his thumb into the man's eyes and in blindness. Jeffrey has no problem throwing out his knife and cutting the poor guy's throat. The man loosing blood drops right onto him. Causing blood to get all over his face and clothes. When Jeffrey stands up and attempts to wipe some of the blood off of him in a digusted manner. The customers look at him horrified. Before Jeffrey can even comment on it . He quickly open the resister to get the money only to find 5 dollars and 25 cents.

Zero is clapping as Jeffrey is scrolling towards her covered in blood.

Zero: Well done. You did amazing.

Jeffrey: Am I done?

Zero: No, no not yet. Follow me.....

Jeffrey takes off his hoodie because it's covered in blood leaving him in  his white t-shirt underneath it. Zero looks a bit surprised.

Zero: Woah, you have muscles.

Jeffrey: Oh. I work out sometimes......

Zero: You take steroids don't you.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't had stand a chance against Kyle if I didn't.

Zero: Drug Addiction is a serious thing.

Jeffrey: I'm not a addict. I only used them that one time.

Zero: That's what they all say.

Jeffrey: You look more like a drug addict than me, Alice.

Zero: I'm not Alice. Stop calling me that.

Jeffrey: The fuck? That's your name!

Zero: No you idiot. This is Alice.

The girl's face turns completely normal getting rid of all of her paint in a matter of seconds.

Alice: Wait, what happened? Where am I?

Zero: Tadaa

Jeffrey: That's creepy. On many different levels.

Zero: You shouldn't talk Casper.

Jeffrey: Shut up.

Zero: No, you.

Jeffrey: What? Anyway, where are we going?

Zero: Right here.

Zero points a small house with an orange colour paint around it. It's a two story. It seems pretty average. The drive way has two cars there. Married couple?

Jeffrey: What are you showing me this for?

Zero: This is your next assignment.

Jeffrey looks confused as Zero hands him an object. It's metal cylinder.....

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora