Handling The Rodent Problem Spooky Month 3

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3rd p.o.v

Lila would be cooking something up as Y/N had walked up behind her snd gave her a peck on the cheek and even a little nibble on her neck.

Lila:"Oh...Stop....Skid is playing in the living room we can do it after he goes for his evening nap"

Said skid would be running around in living room as the usual "happy fella" commercials which Y/N hated mainly due to them being annoying.

Y/N:"Okay Okay...fine but I call dibs on taste testing"

Lila would sigh as she kept a soft smile and held up a spoonful of the food she was making while she guides it to Y/N who had his mouth open.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

A loud bag noise would echo from up in the attic as the two lovers stare confused.

Y/N:"Huh,Weird....maybe it was probably just some random sonic boom"

Lila:"Yeah,I guess so..."

It wasn't.

Once again through out the past few days the banging noise continued non stop,whenever the two were watching a romance together the noise kept going,when Y/N and Lila were working at home the noise continued,and even in their most private and favorite time a.k.a love making the noise continued in which they were actually doing right now as Lila's top was loose and Y/N already had lipstick and hickey marks all over his body as the messed up couple would both sigh in unison.

Y/N:"That noise has been annoying us the past week! What the hells up with that?!"

Lila:"Well I don't know maybe it's just some rodents and maybe if we tune them out by continuing they'll probably be less annoying"

Y/N:"Heh I like that idea-"

As the two lean in to kiss again the noise commenses once more as the scene changes to Lila getting a phone book calling an exterminator as she was dressed along with Y/N while Skid looked up to his parents confused.

Skid:"Mom? Dad? What're you doing?"

Lila:"We're calling the exterminator"

Y/N:"It's a rodent problem,And I can't stand another day with this thing here!"

Skid:"But dad that's my friend!"

Lila and Y/N would look at Skid in horror as they knew they couldn't dare to hurt Skid's pure heart by getting rid of it.

Lila:"Y-You already made friends with it?!"

Y/N:"Oh great...now we're gonna have a rat infested home...and maybe if there is some supernatural occurrence say if the rats were to take over and destroy the house it would be some good insur-agh!"

Y/N was kicked in the shin by Lila stopping his muttering.

Skid:"Yeah and his name is Moloch!"

Y/N:"And you gave it a name?!"

Y/N would look over at Lila who looked calm on the outside but was freaking out on the inside as the two sigh.

Y/N:"Well son,If you can tell your friend that he's being too noisy and maybe they might stop interupting mom and dad's alone time"


The little goofball would give both his parents a peck on the cheek as he walks away.

Y/N:"Have fun champ!"

Y/N would look over at Lila as she still held the phone.

Y/N:"Okay so the rest of the number is..."

"Spooky Dad" Spooky Month Series x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now