It has a sequel?! Spooky Month 2 The Stars

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3rd p.o.v

Two thieves robbing a house. One fat with a fearful expression on his face, and the other skinny and holding a flashlight.

Fat Theif: "(whispering) I don't like this place..."

The Thin Theif would just have a blank expression as the kept walking.

Thin Theif:"(whispering) Yeah, Yeah. We can get out after we get the stuff."

They continue burglarizing the house. Something appears from the Shadows. Fat Thief turns around and screams, there was a terrifying skeleton behind him.

Fat Theif:"AH!"

He would point at the skeleton shuttering his teeth in utter fear.

Being annoyed and not knowing what was there the Skinny Theif would turn over to the Fat Theif.

Thin Theif:"Be Quiet, You idiot! They—"

Thin Thief catches a glimpse and screams as well. He darts his Flashlight at it, and it turns out to be Skid.


The Fat Thief Sighs in Relief, but the Thin Thief bumps him.

Thin Theif:"Hey! That’s a Bigger Problem!"

Skid:"Wait a Minute…"

Both Thieves turn to look at him, and he has his hands on his hips and an angry glare on his face.

Skid:"What are YOU doing here? "

He would point at them as the Thieves stare at him for a second, then look at each other, stumbling on their words to say.

Skid:"Oh, I know!"

The Thieves would look back at him.

Skid:"Cause It’s Da SPOOKY MONTH!!"

The fat Theif would have a sudden happy expression on his face.


He would do the spooky dance but the Thin Theif would bump him once more.

Fat Theif:"Oh...Sorry-"

Skid:"Well Seeya later!"

Skid would just run off as the Theives look at each other.

Fat Theif:"Well that was easy-"

Thin Theif:"Yeah-,Let's keep moving"

The lights would turn on as Lila and Y/N was down stairs and saw the two robbers as all four of them would have blank expressions on their face.

Thin Theif:"Uh-Uh! It's spooky month!"

He would do the spooky dance but Y/N straight up socks him in the face and grabs him by the collar.

Y/N:"Now I heard my son down what the hell did you do to him?"

The fat Theif would try to attack Y/N but his efforts were shown for nothing as Y/N pulls out his other arm to knock him out.

Y/N:"Now talk!"

Thin Theif:"L-Look man I dunno where that little skeleton kid went he just said it was spooky month and that's all!"

Y/N:"Meaning,....Dear god....Babe,Just call the cops while I go find our son!"

Lila:"Okay dear be safe"

She would give Y/N a peck on the cheek as Y/N had tied up the two robbers and ran to the door as he ran by the demon that Skid had made as a "friend" but Y/N was too worried about his son more than anything.

"Spooky Dad" Spooky Month Series x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now