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It was only a few days before the festival started and Katsuki needed to finish making the outfits. Katsuki and Shoto had just finished their licensing exam and defeated a villain together earlier that night. Meaning he didn't have to worry about his licence anymore. Though, training to look after children would have to continue. Maybe he could look into modelling with children.

Katsuki's thoughts wondered as he started pinning fabric to Hawks mannequin, wings and all. He had chosen a black aerodynamic stratos that is waterproof. The material was pinned in a wetsuit esque appearance with thin yellow lines accents. Once the black one-piece was stitched together, Katsuki sewed the yellow lines on in a similar design to the black skin tight shirt that the hero is seen wearing on his stealth missions. Katsuki made sure that gloves were attached to the long sleeves before moving onto making a red and black pouch to contain medical equipment and extra space for other equipment. The bag was designed like a crossed body bag that camoflauged into the suit. The bag part able to be positioned on the lower back. Knowing Hawks, Katsuki presumed he would be uncomfortable without aviator clothing to keep him warm. Katsuki installed a heating system to the inside of the suit before moving on to the formal wear as he planned to leave the shoes of all the outfits to last.

For formal attire, Katsuki chose a silk bachelor blue tone to make flat front slacks and a single vent fitted suit jacket. Emerald green vines were sewed into the jacket with crimson rosella birds on the sides. An olive green silk tie and cloudy summer sky blue and white gradient button-up were the finishing touches to the suit.

Sighing, Katsuki glanced at the time on his phone. 3:27am. Rubbing his eyes, Katsuki clicked on Hitoshi's contact and called him. Insomniac fiance's could be helpful.

"What's up, Kat?" Hitoshi greeted in a dead voice.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki asked curiously.

"Playing mobile games while drinking tea. Why are you awake at this time?" Hitoshi asked with a curious tone.

"My project for the Festival. I'm done Hawks' formal and hero outfit. Are you a quick learner?" Katsuki responded, a desperate tone in his question.

"I guess what do you need?" Hitoshi asked, his voice, though still dead, becoming more awake.

"Can you please come to the Business building? I'm on floor 3, room F3" Katsuki asked tiredly as he slumped into his chair over the table.

"Sure, I'll be there in twenty" Hitoshi said before hanging up.

Katsuki sighed in relief as he got up, stretching his back until it cracked before moving towards the stack of fabrics. Picking out British khaki cotton, olive green micromodal and brown leather.
As Katsuki set the specific fabrics down, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Katsuki called out, startled to see Hitoshi and Aizawa enter the room.

"I thought you said twenty minutes?" Katsuki asked curiously.

"Aizawa caught me" Hitoshi explained as he moved to sit in a chair, pecking Katsuki's cheek as he walked by.

"Indeed. Now why are you both out and awake at this time of night?" Aizawa demanded.

"Apologies Aizawa-Sensei. I have 6 days to finish my project for the school festival and practice all the songs for our class' performance. I'm just glad I finished my licensing training" Katsuki explained hurriedly, rubbing at his tired eyes.

"Well, I think you need rest to be able to do this, so I'm taking you both to the class A dorms so you can sleep. As for classes, you can put them on hold until you are done with the School Festival. I don't need you fainting" Aizawa stated as he ordered the two teens out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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