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Katsuki glared at the spiky black haired male before them, growling at the fake pleasantries imparted on his own class. Mineta complaining about why Katsuki couldn't be as pleasant. He didn't care though, he just needed him to stop being faker than a fake plant.

"It's been ages, Kat" Yo smirked, ruffling the youngers hair.

"Fuck off" Katsuki grumbled in annoyance at his cousin.

"What would Masaru Ojisan say if he heard that language" Yo gasped in faux horror.

"Nothing, he'd just stick the old hag on me" Katsuki replied, digging his elbow into the males side.

The two continued to banter and play fight while the two classes stared in confusion at the two.

"Bakubro, how dare you not introduce us" Denki, Hanta and Eijiro gasped in betrayal as they held hands to their hearts while leaning against each other.

"Guys, this is my furui itoko, Shindo Yo" Katsuki explained as said male bowed in greeting.

"So, who are your model friends?" Yo asked, knowing his younger cousin was trying to keep that side of his life secret.

Katsuki could only fume silently at his cousin as his classmates became a writhing mess of cheeriness and confusion.

"Wait, didn't you know Bakugo was a fashion model for his parent's company?" Shoto questioned in confusion with Tenya and Yaoyorozu having the same expression.

"The Bakusquad is actually the Bakusquad models!" Mina cheered excitedly at being able to reveal the secret thanks to the black haired male as everyone else just stared agape at the four posing behind Katsuki.

"I didn't know you were apart of such a dark industry" Fumikage stated mysteriously before melting back into the shadows upon realising he'd placed himself into the spotlight.

"Come on you lot, we don't have all day for your little reunion. Now go get ready" Aizawa Sensei grouched as he led his students towards the buildings entrance.

"Bye, Yo" Katsuki said as he began to follow his class.

"Seeya, Kat" Yo called out before returning to his class, slightly worried about how the exam would go.

As the rescue part of the exam began, Katsuki could only stare languidly. His blood pressure had been decreasing due to the airconditioned breakroom and the battle between Shoto, Grand Orca and that Shiketsu student. Due to the faintness of his blood pressure and fatigue from the rest of the day, it was an understatement to say that he was pissy.

The moment the announcer said to go, Katsuki split off from everyone. Eijiro and Denki following close behind when they noticed his languid movements.

"Dude, did you take your meds?" Eijiro asked, keeping close to the male if he collapsed.

"Your not allowed to bring medication into the exam" Katsuki grumbled, arms dragging behind him.

"Help! Help!" they heard voices call in faux fear and pain.

Katsuki glancing down into a pit where two people stood. One with a cut arm while the other only had scratches.

"Do you know of anyone injured near by?" Katsuki grumbled, blinking away his fatigue as the sun began to heat his palms.

"No, now help us!" the man wailed piercingly.

"Fuck no, stop being wimps. Just climb those stairs and walk to the medical area" Katsuki growled, ignoring their insults as he walked away.

"Kat, you can't talk to people like that" Eijiro said before he and Denki began helping the towards the medical area.

As Katsuki walked away, he could feel himself becoming faint, groaning, he stumbled towards a nearby building and fell against a wall. Slowly, he lowered himself to the floor and held his head between his legs to calm the dizziness in his head.

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