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Katsuki was focusing on his work when Yakagawa Sensei bounced into 1-A excitedly.

"Ba-ku-go! You are going to design a line of outfits with me and then showcase it at the school festival!" the teacher explained excitedly, cutting off Mic Sensei's English class.

'What are you talking about?" Denki called out in confusion at the person as Katsuki started packing away his books and stationary.

"Yeah!" called out Mineta as he drooled over the androgynous beauty that was Yakagawa Sensei.

"Oh, hasn't he told you guys? I wouldn't have barged in if I knew you lot didn't. But it's to late now, Bakugo is in the Fashion and business course as well as this one. Though you guys most likely only know the hero support and business course as well as general studies" Yakagawa Sensei rambled as Katsuki walked out the door, annoyance clear on his face.

"Yakagawa could you please knock next time, you just interrupted my English class for the only one not learning the language" Mic Sensei groaned out at the rambling person.

"Sorry! I'll text ya next time" Yakagawa Sensei called back as they left the classroom with ash blonde male, whom was nervous at what Mic Sensei and Yakagawa Sensei said in front of his class.

His nerves were worsened by the yells of confusion from his classmates that travelled down the hallway after him.

Mic Sensei groaned as he tried to seetle his rambunctious class. With a sigh, he activated his quirk, ironically using it to shout silence. Once the group of teens had settled back into their seats with a curious but nervous air to them.

"Okay, one person at a time" Mic Sensei sighed as he deactivated his quirk before pointing towards Iida.

"Mic Sensei, what did you and that person mean about Bakugo-kun learning fashion and not English?" Iida questioned in a demanding tone, arms slicing through the air. The robotic movements matching his monotone voice and cold air.

"Well, as this is about Bakugo-san, I believe it would be appropriate to ask said person, not someone else. As aspiring heroes, you should learn to respect each other's privacy. The media and everyone else won't, they will want every detail about your personal life and will use it against you. Unlike villains, we can't do anything about their need to invade our privacy. Now, let us continue the lesson" Mic Sensei explained to the class, waiting for Iida to be seated before resuming his lesson.

"Yakagawa Sensei, you said you needed me to make a line of fashion for the school festival, am I supposed to follow a theme or do I have free creative control?" Katsuki asked curiously, glancing over at them.

"Oh, you have to make a line of hero costumes with corresponding formal and casual wear for the current top five heroes!" They squealed excitedly to the teen beside them as they neared the fashion course room where the rest of their students awaited their classmate.

"Now that I have Bakugo-san, everyone, you may open your envelopes with the names of the heroes you're designing outfits for!" Yakagawa Sensei announced to their classroom, handing Katsuki his own envelope as they spoke.

Katsuki opened the envelope he was handed as he walked towards his station. Listed in black text were the names Endeavour, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot and Miriko. As Katsuki glanced over the heroes names, he realised that this was going to be tough considering none of these heroes had very fashionable taste or understanding of needs being just as fashionable if not more then sex appeal. This was going to be tough, but fun. Katsuki though as he pulled out a sketch book and pencil as to start on the designs. He would start on Miriko first.

When the lunch bell rang, Yakagawa Sensei shooed their students out of the room, wishing them all good luck on their projects before heading towards Katsuki who was packing away his stationery and sketch book.

"Bakugo-san, may I see what you have down so far?" They asked curiously, trying to peak at the sketch book.

"Apologies, Yakagawa Sensei, but I need to go meet my friends for lunch" Katsuki provided the person a smile before leaving the room hurriedly.

When it came to his drawings, Katsuki didn't like people seeing them until they were finished to his perfectionist personality.

As the teen was walking down the hallway to the cafeteria, he spotted Hitoshi up ahead with Monoma and TetsuTetsu on either side of him. Smirking, Katsuki decided to slowly sneak up on the purple haired teen before throwing himself onto his shoulders with a lion-like roar. The three teens shrieked at being startled by the other. When they glanced over to see what happened, they were surprised at Katsuki laughing behind them.

"1-A asshole!" Monoma squeaked as he gripped the uniform over his thumping heart.

"What Monoma-kun, can't be too aware of your surroundings?" Katsuki said as he started to walk by them, only to be stopped by Hitoshi throwing the ash blonde over his shoulder.

"Kat, don't do that again" Hitoshi ordered, rolling his eyes when said male huffed at him, glaring daggers at the other two males with his arms open in a threatening manner.

It did nothing to stop the two laughing at the ash blonde as he was carried into the cafeteria by Hitoshi before being dumped at the Bakusquad table.

"What do you want to eat?" Hitoshi asked the grouchy ash blonde that sat slumped in his seat.

"A salad and water" Katsuki answered nervously, his mother wouldn't appreciate any of the food that the school offered even if it was all healthy and high in protein to increase brain function and keep hero students full of nutrients. His mother wanted the perfect model, not a hero body.

"Yeah, I'm getting you a seafood bento and caramel latte" Hitoshi stated, leaving before Katsuki could protest.

"Are you dating Shinso-kun?!" Mineta and Monoma asked loudly, jaws dropped as they stared at the ash blonde in shock.

"We're engaged, apparently to be married by the Emperor. Though I would prefer to wait until Hitoshi turns 18 at the earliest" Katsuki explained as he sat up from his slumped over position.

"Why would they marry you guys so young?!" The two plus TetsuTetsu asked Katsuki flabbergasted at the thought of marrying someone so young.

"So that they can combine their fashion companies and to inhibit our chances of becoming heroes" Katsuki explained, glancing over at Hitoshi who stood waiting for our food to be served.

"That's horrible, but won't they want grandchildren. How is that going to work?" Mineta asked curiously with a smirk, getting glares from everyone. Especially the Bakusquad members that sat quietly supporting their friend as he explained to the three males.

"Well, pregnancy and child quirks exist, so they would most likely pay someone to use their quirk on us" Katsuki quickly stated, hiding the truth on what their parents did to them.

"Katsuki, here. Eat" Hitoshi demanded as he placed the food before his fiance before guiding Monoma and TetsuTetsu to their table with a few other 1B members.


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