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Was an impuls

Please don't hurt me.

It's not very long but you kind of get an idea of where I'm going with this story.


Omfg I don't know anymore.

Enjoy (I'm sorry).


In your dreams, you keep coming back to the same scenario.

You are surrounded by white sand, in an endless landscape with only thin white trees spread across the sand dunes. Above you is a dark sky with a lonely moon. Not a star in sight. When you look down you are closer to the ground than usual. Your legs and arms are shorter and you fingers are shorter and stubby.

Your a child again.

You sit down in the sand and starts playing with it, not realizing a humongous creature approaching you. It has a lizard like appearance and roars when it's right behind you. Your eyes widen as you turn around.

You scream. Your voice is higher, it's the scream of a child. You crawl backwards but the lizard like monster is faster and toys with you by nibbling at your feet. Tears pour down your cheeks as a new scream pierces through the air.

But it's not yours.

You shake frantically and cover your eyes with your small hands. And you continue to sit like that until you realize that you can't hear the sound of the monsters feet dragging through the sand. So you look up. And you are met by the most beautiful of blue eyes one can ever imagine.

You reach out to touch the new strange creature standing in front of you. But it growls and backs away from you, turning around to leave. So you start crying again. And you continue to do so until you feel a soft nudge on your cheek.

It's back again, making a purring sound and you smile and cups it's big head to get a better look at its eyes. Without knowing why you laugh. It's a innocent giggle, making the creatures eyes grow wider.

"Beautiful" you say and trace the black lines under the rich blue eyes. You start to pet it along its cheek and it grunts satisfied. When it lays down in front of you, a giant cloud of sand flies up into the air and you giggle again. It snarls and you continue to pet it, for gods know how long.

And that's when you wake up.


"Focus Y/N", says Ulquiorra standing a couple of meters away from you.
Right now you are fighting a middle ranked arrancar, who's name you don't even remember. So that Lord Aizen can evaluate you progress. You dodge his blows with ease, but you can already hear your pulls pounding in your ears and sweat starting to form on you forehead.

You can't keep this up forever.

"Come on! Kill her!" Cheers other arrancars, sitting along the walls of the thrown room. This time when he raises his sword you dance around him and stabs him in his shoulder with your sword.

You were given your sword as a gift from Aizen himself, in the beginning of your training. It's as long as your arm, and is straight except in the tip where it has a slight curve. One side is dull and made for blocking while the others so sharp you get cut when you touch it. And that's how it got its name: Sectis*

The arrancar roars as Sectis slits the skin and blood splatters on the floor, making it slippery. You spin your blade around in your hand, flicking your wrist sending the blood flying through the air.

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