{19}: Tales of Ba Sing Se pt. 2

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Life in Ba Sing Se was not bad at all. Each day, I felt a strange but welcome sense of calm and peace working as a simple girl at the tea shop. I had to admit, I was also enjoying spending so much more time with Zuko. Even if he still felt paranoid about our security as fugitives, he seemed to be enjoying himself a lot more than before. It made me feel really happy for him.

"Oh, thank you for helping me with this, Hana. The shop's been so busy, it has been getting challenging to take everyone's orders," Iroh said, as I handed him the slip from the table I just tended to.

"No problem. I'm glad to see Zuko's been trying to fit in lately," I said, giggling as I watched him juggle a little too many cups as he handed them to the customers. He looked miserable, but in a charming way.

"I agree. He's been doing so much better lately. I suspect it has something to do with the huge crush he has on this girl that comes here regularly," Iroh said, making my stomach churn.

"W-What?" I tried not to sound so obviously disappointed, but it was impossible. I tried to think who this girl could possibly be, but I had no idea of who he was talking about. Most of the regular customers were older men. Whoever she was, she was now my least favorite person. "I mean... How nice."

Iroh stared at me for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. "Oh, I'm just messing with you, Hana. I am obviously talking about you."

I widened my eyes, feeling my cheeks blushing. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't try to deny it, young one. I'm old, but not blind. I can see the way you've always looked at him," Iroh said, as we both glanced towards him, while he still struggled to carry all of the cups. "Take my advice. Don't waste your time letting insecurity direct your life."

I sighed, knowing he was right. I had allowed my own insecurities to keep me from telling Zuko how I felt, how I had felt our entire lives. I supposed, ever since we were kids, I had always believed that a prince like him would never be with a random peasant like me, and a few years ago, that might've been the case. But things were different now. Zuko was no longer a Fire Nation prince like before, and right now, we were both two random fugitives in Ba Sing Se. If there ever was a time to give it a try, it was now.

I smiled, looking at him as his evident grumpiness showed while he tended tables. I bit my bottom lip nervously, trying to muster enough courage. Finally, I felt my feet walking towards him, taking some of the cups from him to help him out.

"Thanks," he muttered, as he walked back to the counter with me.

"Hey, I've been thinking... We've been working very hard lately. What do you say we go out somewhere tonight?" I asked, trying to sound the least nervous I possibly could.

Zuko seemed a bit confused. "Go where?"

"Well... I don't know. Maybe for a stroll around town? Or for something to eat?" I suggested.

"I don't understand, we have plenty of food at home," Zuko said, sounding completely confused.

"He would love to join you!" Iroh said, answering on behalf of his clueless nephew.

"Great. Then it's a date," I said with a smile. Zuko's eyes widened.

"A... date?"

I simply left after that, unable to hide the giddy smile forming on my face.


I didn't do anything too crazy to get ready for my date with Zuko. I merely let my dark hair down and put on some earrings I had. As excited as I was, I knew I couldn't expect Zuko to immediately feel comfortable to go on a date with me. As much as we cared for each other, our relationship had mostly been as friends ever since we were little. Sure, I'd always had a crush on him, but our friendship had always come first. If I wanted it to go well, I was well aware I couldn't pressure him too hard, or he would be scared away.

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