Everything has A Cost!/ To Armestris!

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We Open up with the Ryujin Death Pirate Crew as they were all on the seas Near Europe inside the Captain's Quarters Azad was pretty Much drawing A Transmutation circle on the ground, as he dropped some of his Blood on it.

Azad: Damnit, all these years, and I never thought of this. Transmutation. I can use this to Bring my Little Sister Back and finally save her from the Monsterous Dragons who Killed her. Now I never did Transmutation before but if this works, she'll finally come back

He then began to activate the Transmutation circle, and as soon as he was about to bring his little sister back when suddenly he was In A White Void!

Azad: Huh? Where am I? Is this what's supposed to Happen?

???: You have broken the rules of Alchemy

Azad: And Just who the fuck are you?

???: I am... Truth

Truth (An All-Knowing God and Guardian of Alchemy/ They Punish those who would dare interfere with the rules of Alchemy such as Bringing the dead Back to Life)

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Truth (An All-Knowing God and Guardian of Alchemy/ They Punish those who would dare interfere with the rules of Alchemy such as Bringing the dead Back to Life)

Azad: Oh Really? Well, give me back my Sister you Bastard!!

Truth: No I shall not. In Fact, you interfered with The One biggest Rule in all of Alchemy on your first-ever attempt. Now you shall pay the Price

Suddenly Azad appeared back on the ship and suddenly His arms and Legs had blown clean off with Bloody splattering everywhere!


Just then his Crew ran in to check on him being all worried and they were shocked!

Kiria: OH MY GOD!

Madmole: Don't worry Master I shall save you


Azad then suddenly had His arms and Legs grow back but there were Dragons' arms and Legs with Twigs and Pieces of Wood Growing out of them!


He then took A Sharp Inhale and deep exhale before he began to speak again.

Azad: That Bastard!!

Skullion: Who?

Azad: Some Man named Truth did this to me, Just because I wanted my sister Back, and Now he made me even more Of A Freak.

Skullion: So what do you plan to do about it?

Azad: We need some of the best Alchemesists in the world and where can we find them?

Madmole: Um... I don't really know

Azad: It would be Armestris in eastern Europe Okay, So set sail there

Ryujin Death Pirates: Yes, Sir!

Meanwhile in Armestris...

You and Math were walking around One of the Villages as Math Turned to you.

Math: So... Why are we here again?

Y/n: I got this Letter from the Aremstris Millitary

You then handed him the letter, and he puts on some reading Glasses.

Math: Okay... Blah Blah Blah... We need your help... Blah Blah Blah... Great Power... Blah Blah Blah... Homunculi... Homunculi? What the hell's A Homunculi?

Y/n: Uh That's Kinda hard to explain but to put it Simply A Human grown from Alchemy. They are not Humans, and they are pretty much more Primal and disgusting depending on what Homunucli you're talking about

Math: Ew, yeah I know what you mean Now

Y/n: Yep, Hate to sound weird but they are A Strange sort of Breed, Look we better get there and Fast

Math: Right, let's go

The two of you then began making your way to Armestris's Capital.

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