Anya's New School!

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Soon after getting Bond into the Family as Anya's new Personal Dog the Mountian Pyraneese is now acting as Anya's best friend but you knew she had to get A Good education and Actually learn how to use Her Telepathic Powers efficiently, so you had An Idea.

Y/n: I don't know how to Thank you so much Mr. X You see Anya needs A Proper education but the problem is that her Telepathic powers make it difficult

Mr. X: No Worries Mr. L/n, I have always dealt with worse, and we will gladly take your daughter in. It is our Duty to Help Raise the Next Generation of Abnormal Mutants

 It is our Duty to Help Raise the Next Generation of Abnormal Mutants

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Mr. X (Real Name: Charles Xavier/ He is A Mutant born with A Massive IQ And Huge Telepathic power/ He was Injured greatly shortly after founding his school of Mutant on their First Mission and Lost his ability to walk/ Wishes to help Mutants and Humans co-exist peacefully)

Y/n: Actually I wouldn't call her Mutant but Thank you, Mr. X

Anya: Wow, you can read Minds like me?

Mr. X: Yes I actually Can. I can teach you everything that I know

Anya: Wow

Y/n: That's my Anya for ya

Just then the Door walked in and A Familiar face walked in out of the Uniform.

Logan: Hey Wheels what are we doing? Some kind of Initiation?

Mr. X: Ah, Logan I'm sure you recognize Mr. L/n

Y/n: Yeah, Deadpool and the dinosaur island remember?

Logan: I choose to repress that memory solely because of Wade. Hey, Whose the Squirt?

Anya: (Pout) I am Not A Squirt

Mr. X: Logan this is Y/n's Adoptive daughter Anya. She is another Telepath\

Logan: Oh Boy another, Wheels. Remember Kid try not to Get into an Accident or else you can end up Like him... Or on the hand, you Might get something like this when you sign up for something you didn't ask for

He then revealed his Adamantine Claws.


Y/n: Logan stop scaring her!! Her mind has to be Protected!

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Y/n: Logan stop scaring her!! Her mind has to be Protected!

Logan: Wimps.

Y/n: Good now you sound like Luffy

Logan: Who?

Y/n: Some Guy I Know. Anya Look this is your new school Now, so I want you to do good, learn well, and Maybe Practice your powers who Know. I trust Xavier to keep you safe, and if he doesn't People are gonna die.

Anya: But what about Becky? And Bond?

Y/n: You can still see your friend and doggy. Just make sure to study well and If you do well I'll get you something Nice.

Anya: (Starry eyes) I wanna see Penguins!

Y/n: Hahahahahaha! Of course Anya, I can do that

Xavier: Don't worry we will Take good care of her

Anya: Thank you, Papa!

Y/n: Good (Thoughts) Oh My God My Baby girl is growing up so Fast! I gotta be strong for her!

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