Kushida was expelled and Tsukishiro never interfered in chess

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A/N: This and the next chapter are separate oneshots I uploaded from before the Class A series.

Y2V5 SPOILERS in the last few paras


Volume 11

Event Selection Special Exam

Chess Match

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka POV

Sakayanagi's move surpassed my expectations. There were no safe routes anymore. I had to place my bet on the last chance I had at winning this battle.

I quickly began typing on my keyboard, writing out the move I had come up with. I hit enter, and the countdown of my timer stopped.

I leaned back and assessed. Not just the chess match, but all the external factors as well.

The selection of events had greatly favoured Class A, making it rather obvious to those in the know that external influence was involved.

Chabashira-sensei had mentioned that the Class Poll exam's initial draft allowed Criticism votes to be cast on members of other classes. With some private points that would have been an almost surefire way to have me removed.

Yet, every single first year teacher had protested vehemently, and ultimately the exam we received was one I could devise multiple ways to defend against. Did the teachers suspect ulterior motives from the Acting Director?

Looking at Hoshinomiya-sensei and Sakagami-sensei, I couldn't discern anything at the moment. Since their full attention was on the move that I had been waiting 10 seconds for. Horikita was putting her entire trust in my moves. Or, to be more precise, the text-to-speech narrating my moves.

I had assumed the 10 second delay before delivery was a smokescreen for external interference. Processing 2 characters was usually far quicker, even on free TTS websites. And this infrastructure was provided by the same government that had given each student a 100,000 yen earlier this year. 

It should have been near instant, or perhaps indicated visually on the screen instead of a one-way headset.

"Splendidly done, Ayanokouji-kun. You've blocked all paths and countered me perfectly."

"You resign?"

"It's a selfish request, but could we perhaps play this to the end?"

"I don't mind."

I could oblige her

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I could oblige her. She had forced me to use my 100% for the first time in quite a while. 

Horikita too would probably enjoy playing the checkmate against Class A with her own two hands. The morale boost would be immense. Especially for her, who was obsessed with Class A.

I, on the other hand, was confused at the lack of interference. Tsukishiro could have gotten rid of my protection point with ease. All he had to do was bring a White Room instructor; their skill levels would guarantee a loss against Sakayanagi anyway. Yet, he didn't. What is he doing?

COTE: What If - AlternativeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora