-when it rains it pours-

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Warning for this chapter!!
It'll contain: Mental Break downs, yelling, arguing, and hints at wanting to not be alive.
If any of this triggers you than please don't read this.

Donna's pov:
When I got home I sobbed in moms arms. Mom reported Griff as missing and it was even on the news. Thinking about what happened made my stomach dropped, Griff could be hurt right now and I wouldn't be able to do anything. I eventually went to my room to try and sleep. Nothing could help my mind rest, all I could do is think about how I should've been there for him. I should've walked home with him and then went to Sarah's. It's my fault he got taken. How could I let him down. If I could swap places with him, I would. I eventually ended up going sleeping but it took a while.
When I woke up I wanted to go straight back to bed, I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to deal with the looks everyone was going to give me, I didn't want people to act different around me, I didn't want to do anything, but of course I had to. Mom gave me a ride to school this time, she said she was going to pick me up as well. Once I stepped out of the car and saw the building I knew it was going to be a bad day. I felt sick to my stomach while walking into the building. I looked at places Griff and I used to hang out at before school would start. Seeing it and having the memories replay in my head hurt. It hurt a lot. "Hey, Don." A familiar voice said, I turned around and saw it was Billy. "Hey." I replied, " I heard what happened, and I'm really sorry." He muttered. I just nodded and looked at the ground "Do you wanna maybe hang out during lunch?" he asked " I don't really have anyone else to hang out with." he added "Sure." I said with a slight smile.

I didn't really want to sit or hang out with anyone, but we both lost him. It was only fair for me to empathize with him. "Well, uh, I should probably get to class" He awkwardly said while backing away "Yeah same, I'll see you at lunch." I mumbled while walking away. I dreaded having to stay here, I just wanted to go home and I wanted to be with Griff. I walked Into the classroom and went straight to my desk. "Good Morning, donna. Everything going okay?" Mr. Sindy asked. Honestly how does he think things are going? My brother is missing and you're asking if everything is okay?? Oh yeah Mr. Sindy everything is fucking peachy. "It's going fine." I replied with. God I just wish that mom would just let me stay home.

To be honest I think I blacked out in class. It was the beginning then the next thing I knew the bell rang and it had ended. I grabbed my things and I picked my backpack then went to art class. I was somewhat happy about going to that class. I sat down in the back row of the desks.
about 20 or 30 minutes into class the principle came in.. " I need to take Donna Stagg down to my office." I was pretty nervous but I reluctantly walked over to the principle, we then walked to her office. When we got there I saw two guys, my guess is that they're around 40 or older. "Donna, these are the detectives who are trying to find Griffin." The principle said, "Hello." I said with hesitation. "Hello Donna, I'm Detective Wright and this is my partner, Detective Miller. We're here to ask you questions about your brothers disappearance." Detective Wright said. "So, where were you the night your brother?" Detective Miller asked "uhm I was at Sarah Jones house, we were doing a project for History." I replied "Hm, okay, well did you see your brother at all after school?" Detective wright asked "Yeah, he walked me to Sarah's house and then he rode off to our house, well at least he was trying to get home." I say with a frown. "Okay, thank you, Donna." Detective Wright said. "You may go back to class, although it's almost lunch" the principal told me.

I walked out of the office and the bell rang. Lunch time. I went to art class again to go get my stuff and then I walked to my locker. I put my books and bag in my locker I grabbed my lunch then shut it. "Hey, Don!" Billy cheerfully said, "hi, billy." I said "Wanna go eat outside since it's nice out?" billy asked "uh sure" I replied with hesitation. We got outside and talked for a bit, I think we both knew that we would get closer since we now only have each other. It felt nice talking to someone and to actually know that I don't have to be alone. I guess Billy's not that bad.

School had ended and I waited outside for my mom to come pick me up, I saw billy get on his bike, I waved to him and he waved back. I hope nothing back happens to him. He's the only other friend I have at the moment and I need him.
I saw my moms car pull up so I walked fast to her car and hopped in. "I got you something to deal with what's going on." Mom said randomly I turned my head towards her "oh, what is it?" I asked "is a journal. It'll help you with your feelings." She told me "oh thank you." I muttered. We got home and I stepped out of the car right away. I just wanted to go to my room and lay down, but mom stopped me. "Here. Make sure to write in it, it'll help you." Mom said sternly and she handed me the journal. I walked to my room threw the journal on my bed and then plopped down next to it. What did she mean by "it'll help you" does she think something's wrong with me? I mean obviously something is wrong with me, my brother is missing. Why is everyone treating me like I'm being weird? Like my emotion are invalid?! It's not fair. I just want everything to go back to the way it was, and I don't even need this stupid journal. What I need is my brother back.

————Time Skip———-
It's almost lunch time, which is great because I can get out of this stupid class. I still can't believe Its been a couple weeks since Griffin went missing.The only evidence they found was his bike and a bloody bandana. It also doesn't help that the journal isn't helping me, and I've still been having a hard time. *Bell Ring*
Finally! Ive been in this class for what's felt like forever. I grabbed my stuff and threw it in my locker then headed out it the bleacher. Billy and I normally met there. "Hi Billy!" I say with a cheerful smile "Hey Don!" He replies. We had started eating lunch and talked about tv shows and books and comics, but when we started to talk about comic I got a bit sad. I couldn't help but remember how those were griffins favorite thing. It must've been obvious I had gotten upset because billy asked if I was okay, obviously I said I was fine so I wouldn't worry him.

"Do you think he's alive?" I asked him. I shouldn't have asked that, it's wrong of me to wonder that. I should be confident on the fact that I think he's alive, but I don't know anymore. Even mom gave up on him.
Billy looked me dead in the eyes with a very serious look and says "Donna, if you still believe griffin is alive and will be able to be found then you should get on your hands and knees and pray for him." He said in a serious tone.

"What?.." I mutter "Listen I'm really sorry Donna but there's no way he's still alive, if he was then the detectives would have found him." Hearing billy say those word felt like knives piercing my heart. "You're giving up on him too?!.. After everything you're just going to  let go so easily?" I asked while backing away from him a bit. "I'm not giving up on him, I'm accepting the fact that he's most likely dead." Billy stated,"No..no, he's not dead. Griffin is a fighter, he's still alive." I say in defense "Don.. you need to move on. It's what he would have wanted.." billy says while trying to comfort me, "NO. ITS NOT WHAT HE WOULD HAVE WANTED. HE WOULD HAVE WANTED HIS SUPPOSED BEST FRIEND TO KEEP HOPE." I shout, "I TRIED TO KEEP HOPE FOR SO LONG, BUT WHAT DO YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU HEAR PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HOW YOUR BEST FRIEND WAS PROBABLY MURDERED." Billy shouts back. I couldn't utter out any words because If I did. then I knew I'd start crying. "I cant believe you right now." Billy mumbled. This was it, this was the time I was going to get it all out. "You cant believe me?! HOW DO YOU THINK IM GOING TO ACT WHEN MY BROTHER IS MISSING. MY LITTLE BROTHER, WE WERE LIKE ATTACHED BY THE HIP. NOW HES GONE AND I CANT DO ANYTHING, NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE THEY THINK IM GOING CRAZY OVER THIS OR SOMETHING AND ITS SO IRRITATING.." "I JUST HAVE TO SIT THERE AND ACT LIKE NOTHING IS WRONG WHEN INFACT EVERYTHING IS GOING TERRIBLE AND MY WHOLE LIFE IS GOING DOWN HILL." I yelled at him while tears were rolling down my face.
Trust me, Billy, If I could swap places with Griff I would.

aaa this one was long to write but oh well, next chapter might take a while to come out as well 💔
I Hope you enjoyed the angst here though!!

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