Chapter 32- Violent Red Sky

Start from the beginning

"I actually asked him to train me." Hank kept his lips pursed and nodded.

"You understand that Logan won't go easy on you, due to your healing advantage." I nodded and gave a small smile.

"By tomorrow evening I will look like a acupuncture accident, don't you worry I already know, he already warned me." Hank smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

"I guess I should officially welcome you to the X-Men, Liberty." He smiled down at me and turned away, to visit his old friend Charles Xavier.

I stood there frozen, try to absorb all the information I was just given. It was a lot to take in, the training, the results and the welcome.

I felt slightly confuse. My hand instinctively grasped the edge of the picnic table stopping my world from so violently shifting.

"Are you ok Cher?" I twisted around to see Remy standing there. His hair was windswept, and his smile was warm and relaxing. I nodded and sighed, I just needed to make it through tonight, then I could sleep.

"you don't look so good to me Cher, how about we relax a little?" I raised an eye brown at him and smirked. He chuckled and gestured a hand out to me.

"A dance maybe Cher, I'm sure I could find some good music?" I chuckled and grasped his hand gently in mine.

"Only because you asked so nicely Mr Lebeau." He chuckled and pulled me towards, an iPod docking station where sat an iPod connected to Spotify.

"So Cher what would you like to dance too?" I smiled and quickly searched Spotify's vast libraries. I finally found it. Itch by nothing but thieves. Remy chuckled and suddenly span me around. We swayed together as we danced. The bass was heavy and it distorted both our heartbeats. Remy grabbed both my hands and began to spin me around as the instrumental kicked in. soon my feet were no longer touching the ground as Remy lifted me into the air. I laughed heartily as He span me around above him. He quickly brought me back to earth as the last note rang out.

I looked over Remy's shoulder as Students ran towards the docking station deciding what song to play next; suddenly the I chuckled as the intro began to vibrate through the air. Little monster by Royal Blood. These kids had good taste in music. Remy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the growing crowd of students and teachers.

"I got love on my fingers, Lust on my tongue, You say you got nothing, So come out and get some, Heartache to Heartache, I'm your wolf- I'm your man, I say run little monster, Before you know who I am." Both me and Remy howled the lyrics loudly as we jumped and rocked our way through the instrumental. My heart skipped beats as I felt the static crescendo through the air.

"I got love on my fingers, Lust on my tongue, You say you got nothing, So come out and get some, Heartache to Heartache, I'm your wolf- I'm your man, I say run little monster, Before you know who I am." We howled to the last verse of the chorus, causing us to burst into a fit of laughter. When the song finally ended. I smiled up at Remy and looked deep into his crimson eyes. I could see the pure joy behind them. I could feel that same joy spread through my own eyes. It had been so long since I had felt human, since I felt normal.

"I think I need a drink." Remy nodded as we walked away from the dancing bodies. He grabbed me a brown bottle of beer from a large block of ice shaped like a bucket. Well someone found they had a use today. I looked around to see a student move his hand over someone's drink while their back was turned, turning it into rock hard ice. His eyes caught mine, and all I saw was sudden panic. I smirked and pressed a finger to my lips. He smiled back and quickly ran away, as the other male student listed the solid drink to his lips. His reaction was golden as he shook the glass only to see smacked in the face by a hard lump of frozen cola. I chuckled and magnetically flipped the caps off our beers.

"Cheers cher." I took a small sip from my ice cold beer and kept it in my hands making them slowly grow numb. I shivered slightly as I sat there in the setting sun.

"You went thinking of keeping Liberty all to yourself now were you Bub?" I looked to my right to see Logan standing beside me, with a bottle of beer in hand, and a toothpick locked between his canines.

"Of course not, but Liberty as looking awfully lonely without my company." Logan nodded and smirked down at me.

"I'm sure my company will be good enough Remy." Remy smirked and took one last gulp of his beer before discarding the empty bottle. Logan took another gulp of his half empty beer bottle and gestured out a hand to me.

"You look very natural dancing Liberty." I shrugged trying to hide my obvious blushing. Logan chuckled and placed his bottle on the picnic table.

"so how about it, me and you on the makeshift dance floor." I chuckled and grasped his hand tightly.

"I thought you would never ask." I dragged him over to the grassland we called a dance floor and swayed away the setting sun. I kept a constant smile on my lips, as Logan was no natural dancer, yet here he was trying for me.

I chuckled as we pulled ourselves from the makeshift dance floor.

Logan had the largest smirk on his face as he looked down at me with his darkening blue eyes, as the sun disappeared over the horizon, leaving a violent red sky in its wake.

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