"ah, sorry! i wasn't really able to see where i was going, are you alright?" ganyu expressed her concerns not long after she processed what happened. "oh yeah, i'm alright, what about you? you were the one carrying all those papers..."

you eyed the pile of sheets scattered all across the floor. there were so many papers that you wondered how the girl in front of you even carried them.

"yes, i'm all good, my apologies" ganyu got up and began picking up the papers along with you since you couldn't just not help at all.

"i have a question - why are there so many papers, and why are you carrying them in such a hurry?"

"oh, well, these are all the records of the school finances for the past 5 years or so. the administration decided to move the storage of important documents to the other side of the building, so i'm helping with that, hehe..."

"let me help then too, it looks like there is a lot to move, and i don't have anything to do"

you offered your help with no second thought, mainly because you felt bad for this girl running around with that big of a pile.

ganyu, on the other hand, thought over it for a bit. most of the documents that she has to carry over don't contain any classified information, so, even if you read them, it wouldn't matter.

"you have my gratitude, let's carry these first and then go grab the next pile of them" in the end, she agreed. and so, you went on to carry the papers, offering to take half of what ganyu was carrying on your first trip.

it wasn't that long before you came to the conclusion that even though ganyu previously stated that they are halfway to the new storage room, the walk was still a tad long. if you were already halfway there, you couldn't imagine how long the full path was.

"so ganyu, don't you have some kind of carts to move a lot of papers in one go? like those that librarians use?"

"yes, we do have them, but they are currently being used by the librarian herself, so i couldn't borrow them. since i didn't have many more options, i had to carry these papers by hand, but i'm glad to have run into you. i don't know how long i would have to carry them if it wasn't for you offering your help. i'm truly grateful."

"that's unfortunate then..." you were referring to the first half of her sentence, "then i guess it's a good thing you ran into me... how much of a good thing that can be"

over the long time of carrying papers and chatting with ganyu, you forgot your class isn't too far away from starting. when you were done, the class had just started and the teacher was wondering where the new student was.

"oh wait, what's the time?"

"time... uhh, i think it's like 1 pm?"

"oh shit- i have to run, my class just started"

"oh, right! i totally forgot about that, let me escort you to it and explain the reason why you were late."

if your teacher knew that you were late because you were helping the vice president, you were kind of hoping that they would let it slide.

"then i will have to trouble you..."

but then a question arose, shouldn't ganyu be in class too? or did she have a longer free period than you? however, you didn't get to ask it as you already reached your classroom. when ganyu opened the door, she was a bit surprised that your teacher was mona. were you taking an astrology course or something?

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