"He's making preparations, so either it's a date or he's planning on killing you."

"But I don't see him like that." Liam defended, mostly saying it to Calvin.

"You might want to make sure he knows that." Thomson stood up, patting Liam on the shoulder as he walked past him. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at Liam. "Good job with the makeup, by the way." Thomson teasingly gave him a thumbs up as he turned and left the room. Liam rolled his eyes and faced Calvin.

"Really? He's going to just leave us alone together?"

"I promised him he would have his best friend for the rest of the time I'm here, and not some guy that he's constantly protecting his brother from."

"So, what, we're just going to lose all contact once you leave. Are you just going to go back to the states and tell yourself that I don't exist?"

"Liam," Calvin gets up and walks over to him, placing his hands on Liam's shoulders. "I don't want that, you know I don't."

"Then what's going to happen?"

"Why do you care so much about what's going to happen? You're the one always saying you hate me."

"I don't really hate you. I'm still not a huge fan," Liam teases, "but this has been fun and I'm going to miss it."

"Alright, enough about that. You need to get to school and I need to avoid getting killed by your brother for 24 more hours. Besides, you're going to have a good time tonight with Alban."

"I don't want Alban, Cal."

"I know." Calvin lightly brushes his hand over Liam's cheek and settles it under his chin. "I know, but I won't be back for a while. There's no telling what's going to happen in that time."

"Are you going to just go back to the US and shag the first guy you see?"

"Well," Calvin shrugs his shoulders. "I'd be thinking about you the entire time," Calvin jokes. Liam punches him in the shoulder, trying to hold back a smile. Suddenly, Thomson pokes his head around the corner.

"It's time to go, Liam." Liam sadly nods and gets up, walking past Thomson. "See ya, Calvin." Liam hears Thomson say before catching up with him and heading for the car.

During the car ride, Liam stares over at Thomson while in deep thought. "What?" Thomson finally asks him.

"How are you so happy?"


"Your best friend is about to leave for who knows how long and you're completely fine. You seem completely unphased." Thomson gives him a look of disbelief.

"You think I'm fine? You think this doesn't affect me? Calvin is my best friend and while he's in America, doing god knows what, I don't hear from him for months on end. So, yeah, it's affecting me. I'm sad my best friend is leaving again, but I'm also worried."

"Worried about what?"

"What it's going to do to you. You have clearly warmed up to him and I don't want you to be crushed when you have to go through the same torture of not hearing from him for months on end."

"We haven't even decided if we'll talk to each other once he's gone. We haven't gotten that close. He's still a dumbarse and I can't fucking stand him most of the time."

"But you care about him." Thomson finishes Liam's thought.

"No, I don't care about that bampot." Liam defends.

"Good, you should keep telling yourself that, maybe it will become true." They pull up outside the school and Liam gets out without saying anything. Thomson runs to catch up with him as they enter the building. "I'm just saying, Liam—"

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