Chapter 9

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Liam's POV

Liam walks into school and the first person he sees is Alban. He's standing next to Liam's locker on his phone. Liam walks over to him, trying to pretend he's not there as he grabs some books from his locker.

"Hey Liam. It's been a while." Liam turns to him, giving him a forced smile.

"Sorry about that."

"That's okay. We need to hang out sometime."

"That sounds like fun."

"Could we do it tonight?"

"I'm busy tonight."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Hanging with friends tonight."

"Calvin?" A frown replaces Alban's smile.

"No, Evan."

"Oh, he's pretty chill. I guess we could do it tomorrow."

"Okay, what time?"

"We can do 7, I'll pick you up." Alban backs up, giving Liam a small smile before disappearing into the crowd of students.

Liam heads to his first class. He's decided he will go to his first two periods since he has them with Thomson and doesn't want to get caught straight away. When his second period is over, he goes to the bathroom and waits to hear the bell for the beginning of the third period. Once he hears the bell, he quickly leaves the bathroom and heads for the exit.

As he's walking down the hall, he's so focused on not being caught that his soul nearly leaves his body when he gets a text. He looks down at his phone and sees it's Calvin.

Calvin: "Are you leaving school yet?"

Liam: "Geez, you're so impatient. I have to get out without being yelled at first."

Calvin: "Are you anywhere near the class Thomson is in right now?"

Liam: "No, why?"

Calvin: "Then just leave. He's not going to see you, and everyone else is in class."

Liam: "Good point."

Calvin: "Was that a compliment? I'm taking it as a compliment that you agree with me."

Liam: "I wouldn't get too used to that if I were you."

Liam puts his phone back in his pocket and quickly walks out of the school. As he's walking, he's wishing now more than ever that he had a car. The walk to his house is roughly 15 minutes, which means 15 minutes of Calvin blowing up his phone, wondering what's taking so long.

The entire walk, he decided to just ignore his phone buzzing, but realized that was a mistake when he walked into the house to find a worried Calvin waiting at the door. "So, we don't answer our phone now?" Calvin said as he stood with his arms crossed and his head slightly cocked to the side.

"What are you? My mother?" Liam gives him a judgmental look as he closes the door and goes to the kitchen.

"Why is the kitchen the first place you go?"

"Because I'm hungry. I just walked from the school and this was my lunch period."

"I forgot how different Scottish school is from American school. I miss not going to school until 9am." Calvin says as he walks to the counter, waiting for Liam to finish getting a snack.

"Well, if you miss it so much, then go back."

"I will be, soon." Liam turns to him, shocked.

"Wait really? You're going back?"

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