Chapter 10

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Liam's POV

Liam woke to the sound of banging on his bedroom door. "Get up, Liam!" Thomson yelled through the door. Liam reluctantly got up, knowing that Thomson was going to keep an extra close eye on him today. "Come on, Liam! You have 30 minutes to get your arse ready!" Liam walked over to the door and opened it.

"Can you stop yelling at me like some kind of drill sergeant?"

"Ugh." Thomson grabbed Liam's face with one hand, turning it to get a better look at his neck. "And cover that up." Thomson let go of Liam and walked away without saying anything. Liam watched him walk away then noticed Calvin watching from Thomson's doorway. Calvin gave Liam a sympathetic look, then went back to Thomson's room.

"So, everyone just decided to be complete arses today?!" Liam yelled down the now empty hallway. He turned back into his room, slamming the door behind him. "Do this Liam. Do that Liam. You're going to ruin your life Liam." He mocked as he began getting ready for school.

After getting dressed, he applied some makeup, which he had stolen from his mom, to the spots on his neck. "Wouldn't want people thinking I'm slut now would we? Nope, just cover up anything that would make them think maybe I'm not a virgin."

Once he was ready to go, he grabbed his phone and headed downstairs. He was halfway down the stairs when he received a text from Alban.

Alban: "We're still good to hangout tonight, right?"

Liam: "Yeah, I could use some time out of the house, anyway."

Alban: "Good. Well, I'm not going to be at school today. So, I guess I'll see you around 7."

Liam: "Why won't you be at school?"

Alban: "I have to make preparations for tonight, obviously."

Liam: "Preparations? What do you have planned?"

Alban: "You'll have to wait and see."

Liam: "Umm, alright. I guess I'll see you tonight then."

Liam put his phone back in his pocket and continued down the stairs. Thoughts raced through his head of what Alban could possibly have planned. He figured they would just play video games or go see a movie. What could he possibly be making preparations for?

Liam walked into the kitchen to find Thomson and Calvin both sitting at the table. Thomson must be keeping a close eye on Calvin, too, Liam thought as he went to the fridge. He was going to make his lunch, but discovered a paper bag with his name on it. He took it out of the fridge and turned towards the two at the table as he peered inside it. "What's this?"

"I made you lunch," Calvin said with a proud smile that made Liam smile to himself. "It's my last day here, so I thought I'd do something special." Calvin still had a smile that Liam assumed was fake, but Liam's smile had disappeared.

"Uh... um... thanks," Liam stuttered as he put a on a fake smile himself and took a seat at the table.

"What took you so long coming down the stairs?" Thomson curiously asked.

"Oh, Alban texted me. He just wanted to make sure we were still going to hangout."

"Why didn't he just wait until he saw you at school?"

"He said he's not going to be there today. Something about making preparations for tonight." Liam said casually. He looked at Thomson whose eyes went wide and he had a slight smirk. "What?"

"You have a date." Calvin sat up straight, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"It's not a date." Liam said defensively.

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