• Aviel Sokolov | o.c portrait

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hey so i made an alternate reality avian :>

his TEINian name is aviel sokolov, a bird tamer from the far outskirts of the land. i'm still thinking if i should still keep his backstory similarly to the original tho but i badly don't want him to be problematic and BAD >:0 (well, character-wise)

 i'm still thinking if i should still keep his backstory similarly to the original tho but i badly don't want him to be problematic and BAD >:0 (well, character-wise)

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his inspiration is takejiro's old design where his body is adorned in feathers from his neck to his toes (its titled "caspian update: still succs" or something. go back a few chapters, its in here.) dude looks super cool in my head but idk which direction i should design him in... ehhhhhhh i'll worry about it after my finals :P

he looks like lotor from voltron in some way though eewww /jk

yeah yeahhhh i've been away for a month and there's a perfectly good reason this time-- well, no, actually it's still because of school awkjaksjdksjd,,,, also i've been really lazy lately with churning out art gahhhh college is sucking the life force out of me i swear !!! i rarely even touch my sketchpad anymore except if its for an assignment ughhh

 but don't worry, i'm doing alright with life i guess :>

oh and i don't play games anymore ever since my college term started but i've started picking up genshin again as well as arknights :D

if you were wondering why i got into genshin again its because i have a friend who plays genshin that shares theories with me waksjdskdj i just can't help but get sucked into the game by the lore (even though i started playing waaaayyy before her) i wanted to do a genshin themed spooktober prompt though but i did NOT have the time gahhhhh ;;

anyways, as much as i want to share my life, i don't want to fill up the page with all my ramblings. i'd much rather fill it up with art :P


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