19. Her Armour.

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"You know what I mean. Let me in, put an end to our sufferings."

"You won't be able to bear it.", she cried louder.

"I can burn myself alive if it can take away your pain."

"Don't do this Abhi, it's hurting.", she said gripping strongly to him.

"Never in my dream, never in my dream also, I can't hurt you ever. I'll kill myself before I become one of the reasons of your suffering."

"Don't say that, please, I beg you."

"I beg you to let me pull off this armour that is keeping us apart."

"I can't, I just can't, it's not easy. This armour doesn't only protects me, it is also there to protect you but unfortunately it'll never protect us, because there never will be an 'US'.", and every word killed her more, bruised him more.

"I'll wait, even it means waiting for forever, take your time, but I won't let my hope go away, I'll take out a sword if it'll take to get this armour away from you, if it will finally lead to an 'US'."

"Abhi....", she whispered with a lack of words, finally breaking this hug.

The moment she faced him, he bent down to place a kiss of her forehead and it felt like an ointment for her wounds, she wondered if one kiss from him can do such a wonder then what his love can do, cure her? What her love can do? Their love together can do? Cure them? An 'Us' can be an end of all the suffering? Maybe, it is.

"I just want you to know, that you'll always be my Akshara, my Akshu", and it hit her, never once he addressed her as 'Akira', this armour, this shield was not going to work on him.

Freeing herself from his embrace, she started stepping back, not breaking the eye contact, he was not scared or afraid to look at her, to look deep inside her, she turned around and rushed towards the living area not letting his eyes make her captive.

It was decided that Neilima will stay with her before heading back to Delhi tomorrow, Neil insisted to come along for tonight, to spend a little more time and get to know a little more about a woman who gave birth to him, Akira agreed happily saying finally her boring flat will have some guests.

They wished good night to everyone.
She tried to steal a glance at him and as she saw him, he was already looking at her smiling mischievously, it felt like an invigilator caught her cheating in an exam.

He waved a good-bye and blowed a flying kiss to her, not giving a damn that everyone was looking.
Her eyes went wide and mouth agape, while Neil stiffed his laugh, Neilima smiled heartedly and Manjari worried about his son yet smiled slightly.

Seeing her reaction, he winked at her and with that her phone fell from her hands.
Bending down she grabbed her phone while another big palm grabbed her hand, looking up she saw him bending along with her.
Forgetting about her phone she straighted up instantly, he also stood up and handed her phone while brushing his hands on her teasingly.

Her cheeks were flooded with a colour of natural blush that every makeup brand could take a note to produce their next shade of pigmented blushes.

With that she hurried her way out, asking Neil and Neilima to join as society gates might get closed, if they'll be late.

He stood there smiling with a contend, he was going to rip apart that armour with a teasing slow pace that she even won't be able to take.

Sorry for the late update my dear readers, was sick from past few days.
Hope you all like this chapter, shower it with likes and comments.

Also, DPK better give a break to our Abhira, for God's sake just few happy, romantic moments, free from Aarohi's planning, Mahima's cunning revenge and now oh god from even Manjari, kaand matta better not do any kands.
Just send them on their honeymoon, send them to Switzerland, oh hell with Switzerland, make it to Shimla only, just away from the Gorillas for once.

And with the rumours of another leap of five years, another separation, I'll be done with yrkkh, and their kid will be introduced? First of all please let them work on their marriage.
Another rumour of Abhimanyu bringing a married Neil and Aarohi is making me scratch my scalp with disappointment, all these rumours better not be true.

Abhira- The untainted love.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat