It's been a long time since she talked to my friends about her love life because she was so involved in my thoughts and away from the world, I definitely had to do it again.

I heard how they said goodbye and Charles turned to me, "Hello!" He greeted me cheerfully.

"Hello," I spoke dryly even though I tried to sound happy too.

"You want something to eat?" he opened the fridge to show me what was in it.

"No, thanks." The appetite hadn't fully returned.

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten anything since you came."

"Yes, thanks."

"If you get hungry later, you can go to the other kitchen where they prepare whatever you want there," he mentioned so that I would feel pampered.

"Have they always had all this?" I pointed around me.

"The house?"

"All the money."

"No, there was a long time when dad made thousands of efforts so that Arthur and I could continue in the sport. Before he died he was able to recover some investment money and our prize money, but we didn't have as much capital as we do now being in Formula One. In fact, this house was much smaller, but we have rebuilt it, but obviously we have left it where we spent most of our childhood" he answered normally.

"So what he has left me really doesn't exist anymore?"

"Yes, it exists, it is only improved. We didn't think you were going to find out who your father was, so we left it as a family thing."

"The house is beautiful."

We stayed in silence for a few minutes, he went back to his cell phone and I was left admiring the beauty of the place, until he talked about a topic that he really didn't want to talk about, "How do you feel about everything that is happening with Lando?"

"Fine," I lied.

"Amélie, you must not lie to me."

"I don't know, at times I feel good and at other times I don't. I feel like the world is ending every time I see him with her and I know that I left him for the good of both of us, but it hurts me to see that he replaced me so quickly" I let off steam.

"Have you spoken of this with him?

"No, well, yes, in a letter, but I don't think he cares."

"Because what you say?" He asked surprised.

"I expected him to text me at least and he didn't, but I understand why he doesn't want to." My tone of voice was becoming weak.

"If you know that you could make an appeal, right?"

"Obviously, but as a lawyer I know that this process is extremely complicated and I need dad's signature to be able to act on his will, which his lawyer will not allow because he defends what dad left established and I cannot request it from him because, well, it's not there anymore."

I was a lawyer about to receive my degree, she was clearly aware of this resource, however, it was not convenient for me to use it simply for a relationship. Hervé would not have wanted me to go out of his way for a sports guy, knowing how hurt he could get, and he had to respect and understand him.

"You were afraid that things would not work out after she recognized you as a Leclerc, right? " he discovered the main reason why I left him, which I had been afraid to admit even to myself.

I nodded and Charles understood perfectly, "You may be protecting yourself now, but your feelings and heart ask for something else."


Leclerc's English Version | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now