(37) Austin

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Lando Norris

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Lando Norris

It has been the strangest month of my life.

So many things that have happened since the last time I saw Amélie and now it was all trouble.

The yellow pages began to talk about her absolutely all the time and if there was any relationship with me. I didn't want to deny it, but the way Millie was making me see things, it wasn't good for her.

She couldn't even clearly explain to me why she didn't and I didn't know if it was because she didn't want to be with me or for some other matter. Communication between us was failing again.

After the last conversation we didn't speak for almost a whole week, I gave her space and if she didn't want to give me a good reason for me to bother her so much that she wants to help her with the Walter thing, I'm not going to force her, but I'm not going to be begging you to give me some of your attention either.

Her interests at the moment were others and the same as mine.

She then wrote to me before the Turkey award just to wish me luck, but the conversation didn't go any further and I didn't try either. It's not that I was giving up on her, I just didn't think it was worth spending my time trying so hard to want to be there for her and help her when nothing else is trying to keep me away from her.

I didn't know what to do anymore, so my only option was to send her the tickets to Texas in case she wanted to join me in this race to hers in her own country. Still, and I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come, but I was still hopeful.

We definitely needed to talk in person and I hoped that it could be given in this award because it would be easier to ask her for an explanation and to know if she was lying to me or not.

For a while, I could only wait until it was Friday and maybe I'd see her walk into the paddock with that VIP card I had made so she could come with me to every race she wanted.

But the most important thing was that she would focus me on my career because she couldn't let all this affect my performance.

Amelie Leclerc

Lando was probably hating me right now when I decided to avoid him at all. But, let's see, I have my reasons and those are called legal matters that I had to respect for having appropriated the surname.

Even though I didn't want to, I needed to avoid problems.

And I knew I was lying to him, which he hated in people, but he was just doing it to save our relationship. Or what we had because now that I was avoiding him and he wasn't fighting I didn't know if it was worth keeping trying, however, I love him so much that it hurt me to have to leave him because of this situation.

On Tuesday an arrangement of tulips had arrived from Lando, which had surely been super complicated to get because we were no longer in season here in Miami, where he attached a link that was an invitation to go to the Austin prize with Monako so that after a month we could all see each other.

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