Get a hold of yourself!

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Chapter 10 Get a hold of yourself

The first customer of the day arrived at Squidward's station and asked for a Krabby patty meal. Squidward sighs, he gives the price, takes the money and slides up a mini piece of paper to Spongebob with the order.

Spongebob snatches it, looks at the order then pins it up, the usual routine at the Krusty Krab! Spongebob started on the order while Squidward looked down at his notepad feeling oddly bored.

Squidward began scribbling little doodles in the notepad as he waited for the next customer, he watches as the electric, bright sponge charges from the kitchen with a patty meal in his hand, he delivers the meal to the table then happily skips back to his station in the kitchen, Squidward simply rolls his eyes and simply looks down at his notepad.


Squidward had drawn Spongebob.

The cephalopod grumbled and quickly tore the paper from the notepad and scrunched it up, tossing the pad aside and crossing his arms. Why couldn't he get that idiot out of his mind?! It can't be that hard right? He isn't even that attractive! Well Squidward will tell himself that in order to convince himself although deep down he found the Sponge to be one of the cutest things he has ever laid his eyes on.

Spongebob hummed happily, he was in the happiest mood today! He had his first kiss yesterday with the one and only Squidward tentacles! Not only that but tonight he'll be dancing the night away with him! He couldn't wait! His body was full of energy! He continuously bounced on the spot as he cooked the patties, he had a big goofy grin pasted on his lips it probably wasn't going to escape all day.

Squidward could hear the little sponge beaming behind him, he tries his best to ignore it and get on with his job. Another fish comes to the counter and orders a meal. He boredly scribbles the order down then turns around to hang it on the hook. He fiddled with the hook, finding it difficult to stick the small paper on the peg. Spongebob reached over without looking to grab the order but instead put his hand against Squidward's tentacle. Squidward felt his whole face grow red, he snatched his hand back and held it to his beating heart.

Spongebob giggled and flashed a playful adorable smile before taking the order and reading it. He did that on purpose... he was purposely trying to mess with Squidward's emotions right now.

Squidward took a deep breath and shook his head trying to get rid of his blush, he was becoming a flustered mess every time he interacted with his little co-worker/neighbour, this was driving him insane! He needed to find a way to avoid contact with him so he could readjust his feelings and get a hold of his emotions. Last night was a mistake, they kissed and there was now no going back from that but he could at least try to ignore the feelings that come from it.

"Order up~" Spongebob purred as he placed the meal at the window. He tapped the silver bell and smiled up at Squidward waiting for him to take the order. Squidward avoided eye contact at all costs with the sponge, he grabs the order and walks it over to the table of the customer.

This pattern continued for a while before it was finally their break time, which didn't last necessarily long but enough to quickly eat and get refreshed before the next shift which would be the lunch time rush.

Squidward let out an exhausted huff before slipping from his station and heading straight to the bathroom for some peace and quiet.

Spongebob watched through the window as Squidward left toward the bathroom. The sponge slipped down into Squidward's station by climbing through the service window. He sat there for a moment, just to get a feel of Squidward's boat, was it bad that Spongebob recognised the scent of Squidward throughout his station? Maybe it's a little creepy... but the small sponge couldn't help himself, you could possibly say the sponge is obsessed! He took a shaking deep breath as his face heated into a darker orange, he purred before slipping from Squidward's station and heading to the bathroom himself.

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