Falling for you

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[The next morning]


Spongebob sat up and rubbed his eyes, he quickly turned off his alarm before he woke Squidward up. He turned his head to see the peaceful sleeping cephalopod beside him... he was snoring softly, drooling slightly. The sponge cupped his hands together and put them by his cheek as watched in pure awe. He found Squidward to be absolutely adorable when he slept... the sponge could sit for hours watching him! But they have work soon! He'd have to wake him up so they could get ready for another amazing day at the Krusty Krab... plus an amazing night at the Luau!

The small sponge gently shook Squidward back and forth, he leaned in and gently whispered Squidward's name a few times, he didn't want to be too harsh and startle him.

Squidward grumbled and turned over, he grabbed the sponge like he was a teddy bear and squeezed him tight to his chest. Spongebob squeaked from impact and his cheeks went bright orange, he nuzzled into the other's chest enjoying the cuddle he was receiving, even if it wasn't intentional.

Spongebob tried squeezing out from Squidward's grip but he appeared to be stuck! He sighs and takes this moment to admire Squidward... he stares at his adorable sleeping state, gosh he wished to wake up to this face every morning!

Squidward grumbled in his slumber, he shifted uncomfortably and then slowly fluttered his eyes open adjusting to the light. He blinked a few times only to see Spongebob's goofy grin staring back at him- he screeched and pushed Spongebob to the floor- he grasped his heart and took a deep breath, Spongebob startled him!

"Dear Neptune! D-Don't do that!" Squidward snapped at Spongebob who was now laying on his back on his bedroom floor.

Sponge jumped back to his feet and brushed himself off, he gave a thumbs up to Squidward before looking up at his wall clock and noticing the time, they already wasted so much time this morning! They had to start getting ready for work!

Squidward was in no real rush, he just sat in Spongebob's bed still trying to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and lifted himself out of bed, he stretched his arms behind his back and let out a small groan. He glances up at the wall clock and sighs.

"Isn't it a bit early... we have time to sleep in..." Squidward triedly muttered.

Spongebob giggled. "I always wake up at this time! Come on now! Sleeping in is a waste of a perfect morning! Besides I have a special friend over for my morning routine~" He purred and winked at Squidward.

Squidward rolled his eyes and shook his head, he pushed past Spongebob and headed out of his bedroom and downstairs. He was going to try to pretend what happened last night didn't happen, he needed to get it out of his head that he had feelings for the silly little sponge! It was ridiculous! A crush on his long time co-worker and neighbour? It simply can't be done! He will just conceal his feelings and hope that the Sponge gets the message that he isn't interested at all. After tonight Squidward plans to make everything go back to normal, he will have one dance with the sponge and then enjoy the night without him! That's it! Nothing else, nothing less, nothing more! Spongebob had a different plan in mind... he is already prepared for the fact Squidward will try to pretend that the kiss last night didn't happen but that won't stop the Sponge! He saw how Squidward looked at him... he wasn't fooling him! Spongebob plans to try and win Squidward over tonight! He isn't sure how he'll do it but he plans by the end of the night to have Squidward in his arms again, hopefully kissing him...

Whilst Squidward boiled the kettle and prepared for a morning coffee, Spongebob got dressed in his work clothes, the usual white shirt, brown shorts, black belt and red tie. Once fully dressed, he headed downstairs!

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