•~seb x darren: "lie"~•

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Hey guys we just moved in to our new house now I'm just adjusting here
Yes you heard that right! I love it!

(Seb's pov)

It was the next day and

Me and the group were all downstairs except regie ofcourse he's always not here

But Oliver has been acting weird looking for regie everywhere today

I was weirded out by Oliver as he never ever did that

I took a glance at Darren he was talking to some girl that regie said was 20 and his friend I heard the words "maybe he likes you back?" I heard Hermione say "no he doesn't! Seb doesn't like me back!" I heard Darren say

*Sorry this is a reference to the last one buy a bit different IG*

(Hermione pov)

" Maybe he does? I mean like there is a possibility" I said to Darren " well yes there is but-" Darren was interrupted by manager ty announcing that they had a meeting tomorrow as for Oliver had to announce something

I ofcourse left Darren alone since he was in denial " alright good bye I'll go to regie's room right now I'm bored" I said as I was getting up " ok" the group said

I went to regie's room to rant about something

I knocked and opened the door since it was Philippine culture so it's normal

" Heyyyyyy" he greeted me " heya how was last night with Oliver?" I asked teasing him " WAIT WERE YOU LISTENING LAST NIGHT!?" He yelled " DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND YES, " I yelled back " oh goddamnit, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" He said frustrated

" Well I'm here to rant about darren" I said closing his bedroom door and locking it " oh he is also in denial?" He asked " ding ding ding! Yes it's fucking frustrating" I said

" Dude let's set them up!" He said " YES LETS GO DO. IT TOMORROW " I had yelled " also there is a 9am meeting tomorrow" I had reminded

I left his room to go somewhere but I saw Oliver right at his door so I pulled Oliver and pushed him inside regie's room to hear what would happen

I went to the guest bedroom and slept at 8pm

(Time skip)

It was now the next day we are not setting those two up me regie set up a plan after the meeting well we are about to

It was 8:45 am and I went to regie's room and woke him up I told him not to shower yet as we are planning in his room

Well to be honest I already showered and then we both went down and waited

(Oliver pov)

I woke up at 8:50 as I only had 10 minutes left I brushed my teeth and got down stairs

As I was going down I saw Hermione and regie? I got down and sat next to them

"Hey what are you guys doing down here at this time?" I asked

"Well uh wanna plan with us we're planning on setting up Darren and Seb their both in denial" she replied

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