Chapter Fourteen - Kidnapping

Start from the beginning

Of course, as the irrational dumbass I am, I started to get worried that she might be dead...I quickly dismissed the thought, but I can't know whether she's dead or not since she doesn't have Return by Death, unlike my father.

That also means that if she died, she would die forever, no redos, no nothing...

Argh! Stop thinking like that, just maybe, maybe I should look for her? But this is a whole ass city and using my Mabeast genetics to sniff her out is impossible as the entire city might as well smell like shit.

My eyes snapped wide open as I heard my phone going off, someone was trying to call me.

Please be Rebecca. Please be Rebecca. Please be Rebe-


Urgh...Guess this is a good time to tell him about Rebecca's disappearance. I don't want to accidentally blow things out of proportion, but I'm really worried about her now.

I answered the call, with Maine quickly starting the conversation.

Maine: [Kid, bad news.]

Mamoru: [Doubt it's worse than mine, but go on.]

I'm sure that whatever the bad news is, they can hopefully handle it themselves. I can't be bothered right now with the whole Rebecca situation going on right now.

Maine: [Becca's was kidnapped by Maelstrom, they want a corpo-level of fucking eddies for her.]


Mamoru: [I'm sorry?]

Maine: [No time. Come to the warehouse as quick as you can. We'll figure things out there.]

Just like that he ended the call, leaving my potential questions unanswered.


So, kidnapped, eh?

Uh-huh. Yeah...Right...So that's how it is.

Maelstrom...Don't know much about them, but they're a dangerous gang, apparantly anyway.

Walking out of the apartment, I walked onto the sidewalk next to the road and stared up at the sky for a moment. I could hear voices approaching me, not that I cared much.

I ignored whatever conversation they were having, but they suddenly bumped into me, despite the fact that I was standing still.

???: Argh! Watch it, you fucking brat.

Trying to keep my ever so decreasing cool, I turned to face the duo that had just bumped into me.

The moment I saw his appearance, his heavy cybernetics, I was reminded of a short description that Piler had told me about how the Maelstrom members looked

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The moment I saw his appearance, his heavy cybernetics, I was reminded of a short description that Piler had told me about how the Maelstrom members looked.

???: The fuck are you looking at?


Mamoru: Excuse me...Are you perhaps from Maelstrom?

The guy suddenly burst out laughing along with his friend.

???: What are ya, fucking blind? It's fucking obvious, isn't it?

I see....

Mamoru:....Do you know a girl named Rebecca? She's shorter than me...She has pigtails and usually wears an oversized jacket.

???: The fuck should I know bout some bitch?

He grabbed my shoulder roughly to intimitate me.

???: Brat, go back home before your mommy-

Whatever insulting and childish sentence he was about to say was never finished. Why, you may ask? Well, that's quite simple, actually.

I shoved my entire arm through his chest as I held his heart in my hand. It was still beating, still warm in my hand.

The other guy pulled out a gun the moment he realized what happened, but he never got the chance to pull the trigger as I quickly walked up to him, grabbed his hand that had his gun and....

Crushed it, both the gun and hand as blood spewed everywhere.

He screamed roughly, I didn't care if I was losing my cool right now. I really can't help but not give a shit. If I don't let loose now, I might just go beserk in a few minutes.

He tried to pull away, but I held whatever remained of his hand tightly. He fell down to his knees while grunting in agony.

I then grabbed his head and forced him to look up at me. I stared down at him like the piece of scum he was.

Mamoru: I am going to tear you, and your shitty gang apart. I'm going to rip you apart with my own bare hands.

With my hand on his hand, I just slightly squeezed and-


His head popped, almost like a balloon. His brain, now a scattered mess flew everywhere. My clothes, the ground, into the sky, you name it.

Without any care, I dropped the bastard as the rest of his body fell to the ground, lifeless.

Mamoru: Maelstrom, huh?

I sratched my head before walking towards Maine's warehouse.

Right, I decided.

I am going to rip Maelstrom apart, atleast any that I can find.

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