The girl's eyes were weary and occasionally blinking as she snuggled closer to her lover. She closed her eyes when she felt a big hand rub her back, "you okay, baby?"

"mmm." She answered with a hum. He pecked her head gently.

Before any of the men said anything else, their door to the penthouse they were currently occupying was slammed open and a blonde woman with provocative clothing and an arrogant attitude waltzed in, "Mikey, baby! I missed you!!!" She whined obnoxiously.

Mikey didn't even know who she was, so he simply ignored her. She must have confused him with someone else.

Sanzu scowled at her, standing up with one hand on his hip, "chlowe? (Sh—lo—ee) What the hell are you doing barging in here!? Didn't we tell you to scram?"

The blonde woman rolled her eyes but kept her flirty attitude, "It's Chloe, baby." She paused when her eyes caught sight of (h/c) hair and a feminine body laying on Kakucho's muscular chest, "Um, who's this?!" She pointed at (y/n), who blinked in her direction.

"Tch, disrespectful bitch," Rindou scoffed under his breath, "this is our lover, idiot." He insulted the busty blonde.

Chloe had an offensive look on her face, "excuse me?! Lover?! Since when?! You can't be serious! Ran, baby?"

The older haitani rolled his eyes, rolling his sleeves up so it exposed his forearms, "don't call me that ridiculous nickname, it's disgusting, and since you need someone to clarify for you again...(y/n) is our lover." He stated with narrowed eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Chloe spat her name with venom and hatred, her eyes glaring daggers at the (h/c)-ette. She was supposed to be their lover! She was supposed to live a lavish lifestyle and enjoy all the great sex the bonten men can give her. Now it's all ruined because of this bitch!

"Oi," The sound of gun cocking was heard, "I suggest you move your eyes from our queen before I resort to other means." Sanzu threatened, seeing the look of hatred in Chloe's eyes. He does not forgive anyone who looks at (y/n) with disrespect lest they be killed.

"Mochi." Mikey simply called out. The buff man nodded with serious eyes and in an instant, Chloe was grabbed by her arm and dragged out the penthouse with her kicking and screaming. They'll make sure to end her life soon.

Kokonoi took hold of (y/n)'s hand, kneeling beside the large sofa to look into her soft eyes, kissing the palm, "sorry, baby. We didn't know this would happen." He says.

(Y/n) chuckled, holding his hand reassuringly, "it's okay, koko, I'm not mad at all. Besides, I can handle myself if she ever does something."

Takeomi sighed, "see? Your girl got everything under control." He chuckled lightly, smoking a cigarette.


A/n: This will be before Takemichi time-leaped which means (Y/n) has already given birth to her first child!

Wails. High-pitched wails could be heard in the penthouse of Bonten and the men who were present in their bedrooms trying to catch some sleep for work tomorrow were sighing almost in sync. It was the nth time Mariko has cried.

Koko, the long white haired male, yawned into the palm of his hand as he sat up on the bed he was sharing with his fiancée, watching as the (h/c)-ette patted and rubbed their daughter's small back. He glanced at the clock, blinking wearily. It was three AM. "Baby, why don't you rest? You're still healing from labor pains." His sultry voice was husky from sleep. "I'll take care of Mari."

(Y/n) glanced at him worriedly, "are you sure?" He nodded, getting up from the bed and approaching his two most precious girls. His lean yet strong upper body was exposed as he reached his arms to take his little princess, caressing her head as she continued to wail, "shh, baby." He cooed in her ear.

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