Chapter Four

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"Thank you, miss," the elderly man told Celni. He took the blanket from her hands and wrapped it around his crooked shoulders.

Celni smiled at him as he left, then turned to hand another blanket to the next person in line. The survivors from the battle were huddled one behind another, waiting patiently for food and a warm place to sleep inside the market.

Snow had begun to fall, gently resting on the street and what was left of the buildings. Celni shivered. The blankets she was holding in her arms looked so inviting, but she resisted the urge to wrap herself in one. They were for the homeless refugees, not her.

"They look so sad."

Celni glanced over at Rozanel who was next to her handing out bowls of soup. " I feel terrible for them." Especially because it's my fault, she added silently.

"What's going to happen to them?" Rozanel whispered, pausing to smile and hand a young boy and his mother a bowl of soup.

"The market is only temporary. Reinej is going to ask those who still have houses standing here and those in nearby cities to house them. Then they'll just wait until the city is rebuilt."

"Our house is available for a few more occupants." Dyfar said, walking up with his brother.

Hyden nodded, his ginger curls shaking on his head. "Yeah. We'd be happy to share our home."

"Thank you," Celni responded. She smiled at them gratefully. "I'll let my father know."

"I wish I could do the same, but my family lives clear over in Broka. I think that's too far. I had to room with my aunt to be able to get to training." Rozanel passed out another bowl of soup.

Hyden whistled. "Wow, that is far."

"I'm sure we'll be able to house everyone," Celni said. "I can't see anyone being cold hearted enough to refuse someone as helpless and in need as these people are."

"One would think," Dyfar said.

"Soldiers." Celni turned and saw Jahier walking up to them. "How much energy do you have left?"

"I could go all night, sir." Hyden replied, straightening.

Rozanel and Dyfar nodded. "Us too, sir." Rozanel said.

"Good." Jahier folded his arms. "The tunnel in the lake needs to be closed up, but that's not something we are able to do right now. So, until the breach is sealed I need guards stationed there. I would also like guards around the market. Not just for protection, but to also be there for anything the refugees need. Are you all up for night watch?"

"Right away, sir. I'll take the lake," Rozanel said. She handed out her last bag of soup and then picked up her sword and sheath from the floor. Strapping it around her waist, she headed out into the snow-filled street.

"I'll go with her," Dyfar said. He dipped his head at Jahier before following the young woman.

"I guess I should stay here, then," Hyden said.

Jahier eyed the room around them before glancing back at Hyden. "Find Srenya and tell her she's stationed here as well."

When Hyden left, Jahier turned to Celni. "Where do you want to be?"

Celni didn't have to think about it. Being here, around the long faces of those whose lives she had destroyed, was simply too hard. "I'll head to the lake, if you think that's alright."

"Sounds good. I'll have a few soldiers join you three, and then I'll schedule a rotation in the morning." Jahier paused, his expression growing soft as he rested a hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay?"

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