The cut scene shows Chief Luggins carrying the briefcase and keeping watch with Nick and Judy.

Piranha: "They're not messing around."

Ralph: "I wouldn't blame them after last time."

Wolf: "The code is only accessible with her authorized fingerprints."

Snake: "Leave that to me and Skipper."

Skipper: "Should be a piece of cake."

Wolf: "While Snake gets the code, Shark and Ralph will secure the fake Dolphin."

Shark: "I like the sound of that."

Ralph: "100%."

Wolf: "Meanwhile, the rest of us plant circuit jammers."

Tarantula: "Allowing me and Bentley to hack into the power grid."

Wolf: "At the end of the night, we toast the professor and the actor, "Blah-blah-blah, yada yada," and when I say "Marmalade and Nigel," lights go out, and we'll have exactly four seconds to make our move.

Snake: "The old switcheroo."

Sulley: "We haven't done that in a long time."

Red: "That's right, so we're due."

The cut scene shows Snake enter the code and swallow the Golden Dolphin while Shark and Ralph place the fake one in the glass box.

Wolf: "Chief hands Marmalade the fake Dolphin, we get our pardon, applause, applause, exit stage right, and by the time they realize what happened..."

Over speakers: "So long, suckers!"

Wolf: "We'll be driving off into the sunset, legacy cemented."

They laugh

Murray: "Yes! I love it!"

Piranha: "Nice."

Snake: "Got to hand it to you, buddy. You're a real artist."

Bentley: "I can see it all happening now."

Wolf smiles. Then the limousine parks and the door opens.

Marmalade: "Well, Good Guys, this is it. Good luck out there."

Nigel: "Have fun. And remember, all eyes will be on you tonight, not us."

Marmalade: "Friends, meet the Good Guys!"

Nigel: "Give them a round of applause."

Everyone cheers and welcomes the Bad Guys, or Good Guys as Marmalade and Nigel call them. This shocked them.

Snake: "Uh, this is different."

Skipper: "What's going on?"

Piranha: "Is this a prank?"

Shark: "What's that sound? Like screaming but not terrified."

Murray: "I think Nigel called it applause? I hope that's right."

Sulley: "Something like that."

Wolf: "All right, guys, let's, uh let's mingle."

Tarantula: "It's crime time, baby."

They walk into the party. The singer on stage sings Fly Me to the Moon while a kid collects donations. As they walk into the party, they split up to their assigned positions.

Shark and Ralph look for the fake Golden Dolphin. Ralph sees it.

Ralph: "Aha! Shark look."

Shark: "Bingo."

The Bad Guys CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now