Chapter 7

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Later that night, everyone was asleep. Each of them on a bunk bed. Snake was still awake along with Red, Sly, and Wolf.

Snake: "Hey. You still awake?"

Wolf was playing with the cat.

Snake: "You brought the cat in?"

Wolf: "Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm just saving it up for later."

Red: "He just can't get enough of the little guy."

Wolf: "Why? What's up?"

Snake: "I was just getting a little worried, since you guys kind of became a..."

Wolf: "Became a what?"

Snake: "You know, teacher's pet. Getting all cozy with Marmalade. Your tails wagging and everything."

Sly: "Oh that was just Wolf."

Red: "Not true. We did it too."

Wolf: "Well, yeah, because it has to be believable."

Snake: "Uh-huh. Yeah, I guess so. As long as it's all part of the plan. It is all part of the plan, isn't it?" He sticks his head down towards Wolf's bed.

Wolf: "Snake, buddy, who made the plan to begin with?"

Snake: "You guys did."

Sly: "Exactly."

Wolf: "So we're the ones who stick to the plan the most, right?"

Snake was a bit hesitant. "I guess that makes sense, yeah. But if the plan were ever to change, you'd tell me, right?"

Wolf: "You have our word." Go bad."

Snake: "Or go home." Snake puts his head against Wolf's fist as a way to fist bump. Then he goes back to his bed.

Sly whispers to Red, "Do you think he'll keep that promise?"

Red: "I don't know. But let's get some sleep so we can get it over with."

The two go to sleep while Wolf asks Snake one more question.

Wolf: "Hey, Snake."

Snake: "Yeah?"

Wolf: "You ever wonder what it'd be like? The world loving us instead of being scared of us You ever think about that?

Snake: "Loving us? Hehe. Yeah, right. I don't waste time thinking about stuff that's never gonna happen. I can't wait for things to get back to normal."

Wolf looks at the ring he stole from Diane.

Wolf: "Yeah. Back to normal, back to normal."

They both go to sleep. The next night, the news turns on and Tiffany Fluffit is reporting.

Tiffany: "What up? We are just moments away from Professor Marmalade and Nigel Cockatoo's Gala for Goodness, where the legendary Love Crater Meteorite will be on display for the first time ever. But what everyone is really buzzing about is the Bad Guys, whose heart-melting rescue video has made them an overnight viral sensation."

Meanwhile, The Bad Guys are riding in a limousine to the Gala for Goodness all dressed up in fancy clothes.

Wolf: "All right, guys, this is the big one."

Sly: "Maybe even bigger than the last attempt."

Wolf: "The Golden Dolphin is inside a titanium case controlled by a randomly generated five-digit code, a code kept safe and secure inside a briefcase handcuffed to the chief of police and guarded by Nick and Judy.

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