Chapter 5

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Several police cars are at the scene after The Bad Guys fail to steal the Golden Dolphin.

Tiffany: "The Bad Guys go bust. The nefarious twelvesome has finally been captured. And I, Tiffany Fluffit, am first on the scene."

Chief Luggins holds Wolf by the shirt, while Judy and Nick grab onto Red and Sly's backs.

Chief Luggins: "Wow. You know, I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail. You are my purpose. Without you, who am I? Ah, I'm just kidding. This is the best moment of my life! It's the end of the Bad Guys."

Nick: "Ah, good one Chief. You actually had me there."

The rest of the bad guys are thrown into the van that will take them to jail. While the 3 leaders walk with the cops to the vans, they see Diane, Silver and Carmelita getting swarmed by the paparazzi. They get an idea. They nod at each other, knowing that they're thinking the same thing.

Judy: "Why are you nodding?"

The 3 slip away from the cops and walk back towards the crowd.

Wolf: "Excuse us, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to congratulate the governor here.
I got to say, you really got us pegged. We're just a deep well of anger and self-loathing.

Diane: "Denial."

Wolf: "Yeah that too."

Carmelita: "Narcissism."

Sly: "I guess."

Silver: "Emotional emptiness."

Red: "Okay we get it."

Wolf: "Obviously we're all on the same page."

Shark: "What are they doing?"

Ralph: "I don't know but I don't like it."

Wolf: "Sadly, we were never given a chance to be anything more than second-rate criminals.
If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom. Some icon of love and forgiveness, like, uh, I don't know, Mother Teresa." He glances at Marmalade and Nigel. They look at each other.

Red: "Just imagine what she would say if she were to see this."

Wolf: "Best thing is to just throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives."

Chief Luggins: "Yep. That's the plan."

The cops grab Wolf, Red, and Sly.

Judy: "Now get in!"

Just as they were pushing them to the van, Marmalade and Nigel stop them.

Marmalade and Nigel: "Wait!"

Nick: "What do you mean wait?"

Mr. Wolf, Mr. Red, and Mr. Cooper may be savage beasts.

Nigel: "Basically walking pieces of garbage. Sorry, I'm making a point."

Wolf: "Do what you need to do guys."

Marmalade: "But how can we say they're hopeless if they've never been given a chance?
What if we tried a little experiment, Diane, Silver and Carmelita? As you know, our Gala for Goodness, the "hashtag charity event of the year," is coming up. If we can prove to everyone at that gala that the Bad Guys have changed, will you set them free and give them a clean start?"

Nigel: "He's the scientist. He's got the brains, you know."

Everyone was stunned. Diane, Silver and Carmelita look at each other.

Judy: "Are you crazy?"

Chief Luggins: "Professor Marmalade! Mr. Cockatoo!"

The cops let go of Wolf, Red, and Sly.

The Bad Guys CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now