"I'm Here For you If You Need Me Stripes"

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Varians pov:

I was passed out due to how exhausted I was from that so called date I had with Hugo. It was quit nice and I never expected Hugo to feel the same way for me, but i'm glad he does.

I suddenly opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness, were was everybody? I looked around for someone but there was no one to be seen, "odd?" I thought. Then I heard a voice in the distances, it sounded familiar but i wasn't sure who it was.

"Varian" it said with a echo "hello?, Whos there?" I looked around again to try and find where that voice came from then I saw it.....it was Hugo, he looked upset for some reason. I wasn't sure why "Hugo are you alright?" I asked has I started to get a feeling that something was wrong. "Varian i'm sorry.."

I stared at Hugo with worry "Sorry for what?" I lightly grabbed his hand and looked at him with sorrow. "for lying to you.." Hugo pulled his hand away from mine and started to cry "Hugo you didn't do anything wrong" I went over to him and tried to confront him.

"Its ok honey, I forgive you" I said with a smile. "You don't understand!" Hugo pulled away from me and looked at me with angry and sadness "I'm not a good person, I lied to you about everything!" I slowly backed away from him. "what.." I looked at Hugo in horror.

"Hugo you don't mean that do you?" I asked well tear's started to form in my eyes. "Varian I'm working for-"

"Varian?" I gasped has I heard someones voice. I looked up to see Hugo hovering over me "yes?" I suddenly realized that I was back in my tent and took a deep breath. "I heard you call my name, Is everything ok?" Hugo kneeled down to look at me in the eyes "uh..yeah everything ok just a bad dream"

I said hesitantly "oh ok" Hugo kissed my cheeks and got up. "I'm Hear For You If You Need Me Stripes" Hugo said with a small smile "Ik" I slowly started to lay back down and looked at the side of my tent. "alright goodnight" Hugo sounded worried but I was to tired to say anything and closed my eyes.

You make my heart light up. Varigo. Varian x Hugo. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now