"The next thing I knew"

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Hugos pov:

I'm suprised he agreed to this, I mean its not like I didn't expected it at all but I didn't really plan on what we would do. Crap this isn't good, what i'm I supost to say!? If I planned this it would have been so much easier. "Hugo?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at varian "yeah?" Varian looked around then back at me.

"what are we gonna do?" great I had to think of something, nothing seemed to came to my mind. "idk..what do you wanna do?" I said with a chuckle. "hmmm.." Varian started walking around the forest a bit, I followed behide him. "how about.." Varian pointed at a tree "we climb to the top of that tree" Varian ran over to it and grabbed the tree trunk. "oh um..sure"

I walked over and grabbed the other tree trunk "race you to the top!" Varian already started climbing the tree before I could say anything. So I followed after him up "I'm going to win!!" Varian screamed from the top. "No way!" I giggled and tried my best to beat Varian, ofc I lost sense Varian was higher then I was at this point. "aw you beat me ):" I did get up to Varian eventually and sat next to him well looking at the sky. "your just slow" Varian laughed.

We sat there not really paying any attention to the world around us and just looked at the clouds. Slowly I started to put my hand close to Varians and are fingers started to touch "um...Varian?" Varian looked back at me with smiled "yes?" I started to grab both of Varians hands, the next think I knew my lips were touching his.

You make my heart light up. Varigo. Varian x Hugo. Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz