"lets Just Go Stripes"

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Varians pov:

I was in shock, did Hugo just kiss me? Hugo looked at me and started climbing down the tree. "HEY!" I screamed has I climbed down after him "YOU CAN'T JUST WALK AWAY FROM ME!" Hugo could see my face turn red and started to giggle. "you mad goggles?" he said smirking

"Well...kinda but i'm also...confused, Why did you kiss me?" Hugo took a deep breath and walked over to me "because I-" Hugo was cut off by a voice "hey Varian and Hugo!" yong was walking towards us with Nuru next to him.

Nuru glared at us both has me and hugo looked really embarrassed. "soooo what did we miss?" Nuru asked has she folded her arms and smirked at us "we where just..Talking?" Hugo giggled uncomfortable.

Yong tugged Nurus dress and whispered in her ears "whats going on?" Nuru padded Yong on the head and smiled. "oh nothing" I started playing with my hair and biting my another fingers nervously, I didn't know what to say. I mean this whole situation was hard for me to understand.

I wanted to know why Hugo kissed me and also understand my own feelings towards him, do I hate him or do I like him. Hugo grabbed my arm and we walked away "lets just go stripes" he said quickly, I didn't Question him and just followed.

You make my heart light up. Varigo. Varian x Hugo. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now