Hodgkins Pov (Before the shots were fired)

Currently he was reading and multitasking letters of approval about some laws or reforms proposed and military documents from his various Ministers in the government.

When suddenly a gunshot occurred scaring the sh** out of Him.

'WTF! Could it be the Charatians and Kriegstanians... No the Agency made sure that no spies could get near an inch of the Capital... but they are still human... Still could it be an uprising? From the Elves... but I helped improve their lives?... Ungrateful Bastards?!'

He pondered in his thoughts after hearing the gunshot. Looking out of his House, he could see and also National Guard and reserve soldiers engaging the hostile elves with their arms, primarily using m4 garands since he heard the sounds of them mostly with what sounded to be bolt action rifles?

Thinking quickly, he closed his window with curtains to prevent getting sniped by a possible rebel and left the room.

National Guard Base, Fort Statius, Qota Republic

Major General Thomas Kirby(OC), was a former US major general (from the Cold war) who retired before getting summoned.  Was not the happy type of person, he had seen all types of shit go off. But nothing could he have expected to be sent to this world in his 40s through his so-called 'President's 'Military System'.

Now he has to deal with the fallout of what is currently occuring in the Capital.

"Send the 34th Armored Car Brigade here *he points at the east of the Capital * While 32nd and 33rd is to be deployed to the city with great urgency. While all of the 31st are expected to hold the city from the extremists."

He ordered to some of his officers and dismissed them. Who quickly left his office. Although he wore a hardened face, he still was internally thinking of the various what-ifs that might occur.

31st National Guard Regiment

National Guardsmen Private Lang was currently taking cover as he held his and his squad's ground against the rebels. They were originally going to secure the city but were ambushed by a large force of rebels. They are currently held up in a burning Military Truck.


"Shit! I'm out!"

His comrade yelled as he began to take another clip and reload his m4 garand rifle.

"Keep firing on the Fuckers!"

Another one of his comrades shouted as he shot at the Elven rebels taking cover.

He was also using his smg a Beretta M1918 in firing at the Insurgents.

Suddenly, the national guardsmen heard the ground rumbling revealing a captured R-35 French Light Tank with the E.L.F markings on its turret.

"Tank! Get to cove-"

His comrade yelled. He never got to finish it as the tank fired killing everyone in his vicinity. Causing Lang to get seriously injured.

After a quick look at his injuries,he began to black out but not before he saw some rebels rushing to their position.

'God help me.'

He thought before finally going unconscious.

E.L.F Base of Operations, WaliuT Mountains

For the Elven Rebel Leader Aldrius, he was quite happy his planning took a turn 2 months ago when the Unknown Human party took over the Villages the elves held for generations. Originally his plan was take the villages and unite as a Republic similar to the Billian Republic but it took a turn when the villages were only content with separating themselves. So he built his strength to take over them. But with the establishment of the Qota Republic. He thought about the surrender of their organization originally named "Elf Nationalist Group". But went against it when they noticed that most of the government was controlled by humans although the elves were represented. It was better if they were also in control of it.

So they began to infiltrate the Republic from within gaining new technologies from the humans and arming themselves whilst he was planning the uprising.

In the present, he was satisfied to hear that his plan went without any minor bumps. With most of the QRM occupied in fighting his allies: The Kriegstanians and Charatians.

"Sir we are now beginning to find the 'King'. Any other orders?"

He heard from a radio(supplied/given by the Charatian Military)which he operated.

"Well change of plans, with reports of the Qotan National Guards entering the city. Your new orders are to dispose of him, immediately."

He said in a commanding tone.

"Yes sir"

The other voice said in compliance and loyalty to the Elven Resistance Leader as he shut down the radio.

For Hodgkins, looks like the game of cat and mouse with the rebels in the capital have begun.

"Well Look's like the stakes have heightened with an uprising which could lead to a possible civil war if not addressed raging in the capital and the Charatians planning an Offensive. The losses are going to be large if Hodgkins cannot pull himself both mentally and physically together."

Chapter End

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