7. Goodbye and Hello

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You're sat in your apartment when your phone rings. Walking over to it your body begins to fill with dread as you see the name on the screen. It's Peggy's eldest daughter.
You answer it and prepare for some of the worst news you'll ever hear.
'I'm sorry to have to make this call Y/N,' her voice rings down the line. You start crying, not being able to stop the tears from falling. You nod to yourself, showing some sort of acceptance.
'Were you with her?' you ask.
'Yes, she went in her sleep, she was so peaceful.' You're trying your best to hold yourself together, but the pain is unbearable, you've lost your best friend of 70 years.
'Thank you for calling.' You hang up the phone, needing time alone. You shrink to the floor and curl up, letting yourself sob as much as you need to.

Meanwhile, Steve's sat with the team. His phone pings. He looks at his cell to see a message: She's gone. In her sleep.  It reads. 
'I have to go.' He tells the group as he stands up and excuses himself, walking out of the room and down the stairs, he leans up against a wall and holds his head in his hands.

It's the day of Peggy's funeral. You take your seat at the end of the family row, semi-hidden, as to avoid any unwanted attention. The nerves almost equalling the sadness you're feeling. The music starts, signalling everyone to stand. You face the front of the church as Peggy's coffin comes into view, as does Steve. You close your eyes tightly and take a deep breath, you knew seeing him again would be hard, but you had to be here for Peggy. The nervous ball in your tummy grows even bigger, you are doing a speech for Peggy, there is nowhere to hide. As everyone takes their seats you make your way up to the front. You see Steve looking down, sitting next to a man you can only assume is a member of his new team.
Sam looks up at you, recognising you instantly, however he is unsure whether you could be a grandchild of the infamous Y/N he's heard of. He looks to Steve who hasn't lifted his head to realise yet. He nudges him softly getting his attention, he looks from Steve up to where you are with a soft nod, telling Steve to turn his attention. Steve looks from Sam up to the platform you're stood on. Shock takes over as he realises who he's seeing, taking a deep breath in he lets himself believe that it could really be you.
'Margaret Carter was known to many as a Director of S.H.I.E.L.D,' You begin. Steve can't take his eyes off of you, scared you're going to disappear if he even blinks. 'But to me, she was Pegs, my best friend.' You smile softly through the light tears already falling from your eyes. A slight smile reaches Steve's lips as he watches you speak.

After the service, you waste no time in leaving. As much as you want to stay and pay your respects to Peggy, you don't want to risk any form of confrontation. You leave the church and make your way to the car park down the street. Steve wastes no time in coming after you, he's so close to getting you back, he can't let you slip through his fingers. Making it out the church, he sees you walking at pace down the street. He follows, nearing you quickly.
'Y/N?', you stop at the sound of his voice. His breathing is heavy as he waits for you to turn around. You turn to face him with your eyes full of tears.
'...Hi, Steve.' you say. His eyes begin tearing up to match yours, not knowing whether he's just imagining you.
'Is it really you?' he asks. You nod.
'It's really me.' you answer. You watch the relief wash over him as he lets the tears roll down his cheeks. A massive smile appears on his face as he realises you're real, you're still here. You can't hold back any longer, you run towards him, erasing the 12-foot gap between the two of you. You fall into his arms as he wraps you in and holds you tightly, afraid of losing you.
'Steve, I'm so sorry.' you sob into his shoulder.
'Shhh, it's ok...' he squeezes you tighter, his strong arms making you feel safe for the first time in a long time. 'How...How are you still...?' You can hear the shock and confusion in his voice.
'I'll explain later, I promise.' you tell him truthfully. There is no way you can lose Steve again, not after getting him back. Your choices are tell him the truth or say goodbye again, and the latter isn't an option.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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