6. Soldier V Soldier

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Steve's on his part of the mission. Not too long after their meeting Steve was able to track down the Winter Soldier. As mysterious as the man is, his mess is hard to hide, and by following destruction Steve was able to locate him somewhat easily.

It had all been a chase up until this moment. Now, they are face to face, both ready for the final fight. The only blockade that stands between them are the masks that they're wearing. They've found themselves on a high, metal bridge, standing before each other, like each of them have met their match. It's as though they both have a synchronised countdown in their heads as they run towards each other at the same time, signalling the beginning of this brutal fight.

As the minutes tick by, neither one is showing any sign of backing down. Steve puts all his might into a powerful punch right to his opponent's face, knocking off his disguise and sending him stumbling backwards. As he makes his way to his feet again, the man stares at Steve, his identity now revealed. Steve can't believe what, or who, is standing before him. The two keep eye contact as Steve struggles for words.
'... Bucky?', he questions, not 100% sure if this is his old friend after all, 'You can't be... It's you, you're alive...' he adds. He doesn't know how to feel, nothing feels real in this moment. Confusion fogs over him, how could this even be possible? Was Bucky the same as him? The Winter Soldier stares emotionlessly back at Steve.
'You don't remember me, do you?', Steve asks. Silence. Without a word the Winter Soldier decides the two have chatted long enough and runs at Steve, signalling round two of the fight.

With neither one being able to win the battle over the other, and Steve definitely not feeling up to the fight any longer, he decides the best option is to back down and run. He knows he can take this information back to the team, and a much better plan can be formed. Taking down the Winter Soldier isn't an option anymore, not when said soldier is Steve's best friend.

'He looked right at me, and he didn't even know me,' Steve tells the team.
'How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago...', Sam replies.
'Zola... Bucky's whole unit was captured in forty three, Zola experimented on him.' Steve refuses to look up, scared to meet the eye of any of his closest friends. 'Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall, they must've found him...', he can't help but feel guilty for not going back for his friend.
'None of this is your fault, Steve,' Natasha adds, noticing how much Steve is hurting. Steve shakes his head slightly, not believing her.

A few days pass and Steve knows there's only one person he can speak to about this.
'He didn't know me...', He tells Peggy, he's holding her delicate hand in his as gently as a super soldier can.
'I'm sure he's still in there,' she replies. She watches as Steve looks at the photos on the side table next to where she's laying. His eyes fall on a photo of you with Peggy's kids when they were just toddlers.
'I just wish she knew that me and Buck are still alive,' he says with a sad smile. Peggy looks over at the photo too, her heart aching for Steve.
'She does,' she says trying to comfort Steve, she's going over the options in her head, she knows you would kill her for telling Steve anything, but she also knows what is best for the both of you. 'Steve, Y/N might never talk to me again for telling you this, but hopefully she won't find out until after my time...', she laughs softly. Steve sits forward and holds Peggy's hand a little bit tighter. 'Y/N's alive, and she's in New York.' Steve takes a deep breath, taking in all that Peggy is telling him, knowing that he was right to keep searching for you. 'Don't try and search for her, she's impossible to find, but she will be at my funeral.' She blinks away a tear forming in her eyes, 'Steve, once I go, she'll have no one left.'
'What about her family?', he asks, still processing everything Peggy has just told him.
'She never had one.' Peggy replies sadly. Steve sighs and looks at Peggy with a soft smile,
'She never left your side, did she?',
'Not once... until you came back, she left for London, I think she was afraid. But then I fell ill, and she came right back here to New York to be with me.',
'Has she visited since she got back?', Peggy smiles,
'Every day.' she replies. A bigger smile creeps across Steve's face. He knows that his best friend would never leave someone who meant so much to him. A warm feeling fills him inside, he just wishes he could've visited you sooner.
'Did she age as well as you did?', he laughs softly.
'Almost...', Peggy laughs, knowing you aren't going to look anything like Steve expects when he sees you.

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