~Chapter 12~

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Two Days Later. . .  

“I’ll be back, I promise.” Tommy said as he slung his bag over his shoulder, looking towards Technoblade who sat behind him in the entrance hallway. His side was finally healed enough that he could leave, so now he was off back to Pogtopia to finish his side of the plan. Technoblade at first tried to get Tommy to stay, telling him that they could just bring the dogs here and they all could stay together. Tommy shot that idea down right away, for many reasons. One, if Techno or Philza were to just travel here with hundreds of dogs following them, there was no way L’manburg wouldn’t think something was up. Two, Philza was here. So now he was to go back to Pogtopia, with a promise to come back to visit Technoblade. Tommy was coming back regularly anyways, plans were not going to make themselves, but if it helped Technoblade sleep knowing Tommy would come to visit him soon then so be it. 

“You better be, or I myself will come down into that shithole and drag you back here.” Tommy laughed opening the door before a hand landed on his shoulder. Looking back Techno had a small smile of his own. “Don’t die, ok?” 

“I promise I won't die.” The hand left his shoulder after that, the piglin hybrid backing up as the blond shut the door. A long sigh left his throat, finally taking steps in the direction of Pogtopia. 

  A Few Hours Later. . .

Once back in Pogtopia it didn’t take long for Tommy to settle back in, emptying the contents in his back in a chest as many dogs surrounded him in attempts to get his attention. Dove was one of them, basically jumping onto him as he stood up after shutting the chest closed. Finally, he began to pet the dogs, all the while trying to make it to his own room. With how many dogs he had living down here, that was a challenge to accomplish. Once he was finally in his room he savored the quiet, something that he never realized he missed. In Technoblades cabin it always seemed to have some type of noise always going off, or talking, on of the two. It annoyed Tommy at first, but it seemed that he had gotten used to it after the first few days. 

Shrugging off the winter clothes he stuffed them into a chest near his bed, where most of his wearable clothes sat. Standing back up he looked towards the unlit candles around the room before grabbing one of the many matches that sat next to them, striking it against the wooden desk next to him watching the end of the small stick come to life. Once the dim light filled the room Tommy felt relaxed, sitting down at the desk after grabbing his bag from the bed and into his lap. Emptying out the bag he grabbed a nearby quill, unrolling the plans before him before diving into hours of more critiquing. 

The plan was interesting Tommy will admit, Philza definitely helped develop the plan to what it was now. Tommy didn’t even know if he could change anything else once he finished, a smile forming on his lips. His peaceful moment seemed to crash before him with just one word. “Tommy?” Tommy looked up from the plans and around his room, brows furrowing at the voice. He stood, looking towards the door with steady eyes. Once a soft knock hit the wood the teen knew that this wasn’t another trick from his own mind.

T-Tommy? Are you here?” The voice echoed, quickly giving away who it was on the other side of the door. As he made his way towards the door he paused, hand faltering to open the door as a thought entered his mind. How would Ghostbur of all people know to look for him here of all places? Ghostbur forgot most of his past memories, ones the Ghost said were ‘negative’ or ‘bad experiences’. Pogtopia was one of those places. He hesitantly called out to the ghost on the other side of the door. 


Tommy! You are here! That’s great… c-can you come out?” It was at this point Tommy picked up on the scared tone the ghost was using, almost seeming urgent to get the teen to leave the room. It made Tommy summon his sword to his hand. 

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