~Chapter 9~

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Two Days Later. . .

“He’s waking up!” It was familiar, the darkness once again taking over his vision as firmillair voices filled the void. “Tommy, Tommy? Wake up!” What? Why were they telling him to wake up? These pitch-black dreams keep getting weirder and weirder…

“Stop shaking him he’s still hurt!” 

“Right… sorry.” He tried to move again, force himself to say something. But like the others nothing happened. Tommy wanted to scream, ask what was happening to him. But nothing came from it. It was like his mouth was glued shut, just like in the last dream. “He’s still out of it… do you think it was a random jolt?” A hum. 

“At least he’s moving now… We know he’ll wake up soon now.” What did this mean? WHAT DID THIS MEAN? 

Tommy jolted awake gasping for breath, quickly laying back down as piercing pain filled his senses. He didn’t remember his side hurting this bad when he was fighting, how come now it seemed so unbearable? As Tommy’s blue eyes looked around the room he was in it didn’t take him long to piece together where he was. He was back at Technoblades, laying in the guest bedroom in agonizing pain. He didn’t want to be here, quite the opposite actually.

He had planned on making sure Philza actually did make it out of the fight alive, then head back to Pogtopia where he could finally get some needed sleep. Now here he was, no idea how long he’d been there, and he didn’t even know if Philza was alive. Why did he care so much if that old avian was alive anyways? He only cared because he needed him for his plan to end L’manburg, that’s the only reason he cared so much. 

Like the true dumbass Tommy is, he started lifting himself off of the bed he had been sleeping on, planting his numb-feeling feet onto the wooden floor. He stood up, his side already protesting in the movements the teen was making. He winced, his left hand meeting his side as he looked towards the closed door.

“I hate this…” He started shuffling towards the door, wincing every time his wound seemed to spike in pain from his movements. He finally reached the door when it swung open, his blue eyes looking up to meet Technoblade’s own pair. His brow raised in question, along with this a concerned look flashed over his features. 

“What are you doing?” Tommy stared at the older brother, biting the inside of his cheek trying to ignore the pain he felt. Technoblade didn’t need to know he was in pain, he’d deal with it on his own. 

“Coming downstairs.” The pinkette sighed, rolling his eyes in the process as he summoned a health potion into his hand. 

“Before you even think about leaving this room, drink this.” The avian stared at it skeptically, looking back towards the piglin hybrid with a questioning expression. Techno sighed, grabbing the teens free hand and planting the bottle into its palm. “You have to be in pain, so I had dad make you this to help with the healing process- and get rid of the pain.” Tommy nodded, raising his hand that was clutching his pained side as uncorking the bottle to drink the contents. Technoblade watched, taking the empty bottle from the teen when he finished. Almost immediately the effects of the potion took hold, making Tommy let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. “Better?” 

“Yeah…” Tommy mumbled out. “Phil’s here?” He said, blue eyes looking towards the ground as he asked the question. 

“Yup, he showed up a bit after I finished stitching up your side.” Tommy nodded, letting out a sigh before looking up at Technoblade with a blank expression. 

“How long have I been out?” 

“Well, about two days and a half now.” Techno says, frowning at the unhappy expression Tommy expressed. “It was expected though, Dad said you looked like you haven’t had sleep in what looked like days, and the wound really sealed the deal.” Tommy started walking forwards, with less pained steps making Tommy able to properly walk. Technoblade watched the other carefully though, trailing not far behind Tommy as he walked. 

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