-Spring of 1976-

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Donna's Pov:
It was a nice day out, Griffin and I We're in the Grab 'n Go. We decided to get some cold drinks before we went outside to the ballpark, I had gotten a Crush and Griffin got a Shasta pop. "Did you get everything you needed?" I asked him "well, I'm a little hungry but if we don't have enough money then I don't need anything.." he muffled.
Shit. There's no way we have enough from 2 drinks and food. "Yeah, of course you can get something to eat" I say with little hesitation, I watch his walk to the chip section. While he's there I quickly put my drink back. I wait at the counter for him, I See that he grabbed Ruffles. "Where's your drink?" Griffin asked me. "I'm not that thirsty.." I replied with a nervous tone, "oh okay" he said and then put his soda and chips on the counter. " that'll be .75" the cashier said, I handed them the money. Once it was payed for Griffin and I walked out and started heading towards the ball field.

I knew a couple of people who were going to the field, and I know one kid whose playing. The kid I know whose playing is named Finney Blake. He's pretty good, and he has a mighty fine arm. "Look! I see Billy over there by the bleachers!" Griffin said while pointing, I Look over where he was pointing and sure enough there was Billy Showalter, he's Griffins Bestfriend. They've been friend since 2nd grade, basically inseparable.
"Hey Billy" I said with a chuckle, Griffin quickly sat next to him. I stayed standing, I didn't really want to sit down. Especially since the bleachers were probably filthy. Honestly I think this week is going good, nothing would be able to make it go wrong! It'll probably get better since in a couple of days it'll be April.
Nothing and no one can make this year Go Bad for me.


A/N: I already have everything planned for how I want this to go, also this is my first time writing a fanfic so bare with me on this 😪

..Wilted Flowers..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu