chapter three- Her

Start from the beginning

Bella bit her lip slightly she had been staring at Edward Cullen, the boy who Jessica had told her that he didn't date. But Bella knew that even if she ever wanted to know the guy, he'd have to pass the twins testing.

Which was not easy.


Damon found himself walking towards his final class of the day. Art. It was his favourite, it was the only class he enjoyed, which was why he was in a top set of it.

He somehow found himself late, which was ridiculous because he didn't even drag his feet, or maybe he did.

But maybe it was because he had spent the end of lunch watching a certain blonde leave the cafeteria. He had his eyes stuck to her. Maybe he seemed like a creep or a werdio, but he couldn't help it.

The ice queen of forks had caught his attention.

"Damon Swan." He turned his head towards the open door and looked to see his art teacher. She stood there a warming smile on her lips, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes.

Damon walked into the room, his pencil behind his ear. He may have been a but sneaky and checked his teacher out. She looked young, obviously older than him.

"I am him." He muttered. He looked around the room, taking note of if he knew someone. He did not.

"Good afternoon, Rosalie." He kept his head forwards, but he allowed his eyes to look to the side, watching as she walked down to the back of the class.

She pulled out her seat. "Good afternoon, Miss love."

They made eye contact, and she stared at him as she sat down.

"Can I have you next to Rosalie." The teacher looked between them the two of them. The way they stared at each other, she had taught Rosalie hale for two years now, and she had never seen the girl even look at a boy.

Damon hummed before making his way to the back before sitting next to her. He sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. Maybe it was the typical bad boy pose.

But even if his teacher is pretty, he knew all the basics of art. He was certain he was better than the others in the class.

The class.

He had people glancing at him, then they would turn back around to whisper to their desk partner, as if they were detectives trying to assess his every move.

He hadn't moved.

Although he gave in, he gave in to that temptation. The temptation to take a look at the ice queen beside him.

So he turned his head, and he looked at her. It's just a simple look. A quick glance is what he hoped it would be so he could put his mind at ease.

But his eyes seemed to stay there. He was closer now so he could see her better than he could in the cafeteria.

He blonde hair was brighter than the normal blonde. It looked as if it had the sun on it. Her jawline defined her cheek bones high like she was a rich posh girl keeping up her head girl status.

She was pale, really pale. She was the complete opposite to him.

"So you do have a staring problem." His eyes snapped down to her lips when he heard her speak.

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