"I don't want to have this type of relationship for the rest of my life. I want to fall in love and get married and have kids some day."

"You'll have those things some day."

"I hope so."

"You will."

"I thought we agreed to stop if we found other relationships."

"Let's just see what happens."

I nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"The night that Pierce and I were arrested . . . Did you sleep with Rachel?"

"Yes, why?"

"Are you going to keep sleeping with her now?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" He teased.

"No. I just don't like you sleeping with two women."

"If it bothers you then I won't."

"It bothers me."

"Then I won't sleep with her."

I nodded in acceptance.

"But you do realize you're the one that said you don't want any emotion involved."

"That's not emotion, Liam. It's hygiene."


"Yes. That's gross if you have sex with her and then me."

He rolled his eyes. "I wasn't planning on it. Same goes for you though. If Azrael comes back I'm not willing to share you."

I laughed lightly. "It wouldn't matter if he came begging for me. I would never go back to him."

"Good. You deserve better."

"I mean, there is always Pierce," I joked.

"Pierce? You would date Pierce?"

I shrugged. "Maybe if the timing was right."

"That actually does make some sense. Pierce is very much so into the same things you are."

I nodded. "When I met him it was just so easy. You know when you first meet someone it can be really awkward?"

"Yes. Pierce is good at making anyone feel comfortable."

"He is. I could see myself dating him."

"But not marrying him," Liam stated.

I laughed. "I don't know. I haven't planned a future with him."


If I didn't know any better I would swear his reaction held just an edge of jealousy. Maybe he didn't like the idea of me dating Pierce. Liam was naturally possessive so maybe he just didn't like the idea of losing something to Pierce.

Liam let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up at him and offered a small smile. He pulled me into his side and simply sat there with me. It was nice, but I did feel like it was more intimate than we should have been. Still, I couldn't find it in me to tell him to stop. I liked the intimacy, but I didn't want to admit it. I knew what was going to happen when we landed and I wasn't going to be involved with him on some fantasy level.

"When do you think you'll bring Bridget back?" I asked.

"Soon. I want to make sure everything is secure before I bring her back."

"You know . . . We haven't talked about her much. I mean, have you seen her since you have been you?"

"Once. It was odd to see her so big."

"She's really smart. Brave too."

"She always was. She's not a typical little girl."

"I figured that out really quick."

"How, um, how did she take my parents' death?" He asked carefully.

I thought for a moment. "Better than I thought she would have."


"Mhm. She kind of freaked out at first, but after a couple weeks she started to feel better."

"I'm sure you had something to do with that."

"I know what it's like to lose someone. I didn't treat her like a child. She's too smart for that."

"Good. I'm glad she had you."

"Me too. She really was what got me through my first year."

"Not Azrael?" He asked.

"I felt like I was insane for loving the man that bought me. Being able to focus on Bridget was the best part of my year."

"It is a little crazy," he agreed.

"Yeah. I either really did love him or it was the most severe case of Stockholm syndrome ever."

"Maybe a little of both."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

He laughed. "You miss her a lot?"

"Of course. She was like my little sister. I spent more time with her than anyone."

"You'll see her soon," he promised.

I dropped my head on his shoulder and smiled. I hoped I saw her soon. I missed her. I hadn't thought about her much in the last month and I felt guilty for it. Hopefully she could forgive me.

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