Chapter 33 - Fire!

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"Of course dear, you're always welcome here. Now that I think of it, Why must Lady Anstruther choose Saturday of all days? Do you think we ought to invite her to dinner as well?" Cora responded. 

"Isn't she staying somewhere else?" Edith asked. 

"Tell me tomorrow who's coming of your pals. Keep the numbers even," Cora said as Charlotte looked to Peter who was bouncing Stella trying to get her to burp. She was so proud of him for stepping up and learning things like feeding, changing and burping. The nanny took care of Stella during the day, but when Peter and Charlotte weren't working they tried to spend as much time with her as they could. 

The next day everyone was gathered in the living room when JAmes opened the door and announced that Lord Gillingham had arrived. 

"Tony good to see you!" Robert said, getting up from his chair to give him a hand shake. 

"LOvely to see you all," Tony said smiling at Charlotte. 

"I'm afraid you've missed luncehon," Cora said, as Tony bowed. 

"I ate on the train." 

"A cup of coffee then" Mary offered smiling. 

"Coffee would be perfect," Tony said as everyone moved back to their seats. Rose and Charlotte started talking about the flower details for Robert and Cora's anniversary.  When she heard Mary and Carson talking about the chairman offer.

After tea Peter had been invited to go hunting with Tony, Tom, and Mary, leaving Charlotte alone with her mother.  

"It's a nightmare when guests are a nuisance. And I feel so guilty, but I honestly wasn't even sure if we were going to make it down the drive," Lady Anstruther said, as Cora led her into the main hall. 

"But what happened exactly?" Charlotte asked, watching the older lady move around. 

"There was a terrible noise. Rattle-rattle-bang-bang, and then the engine just seemed to lose its power."

"We'll get Tom to look at it," Robert said. 

Oh how kind, but I think my chauffer Weaver seems to have it in hand. Could I use your telephone and tell my hosts I won't be able to get to them tonight?" Anstruther asked Cora. 

"But what will you do?" Cora asked.

"Oh we passed a public house in the village. I asked Weaver to see if they had any rooms."

"You can't possibly stay in the pub?" Robert said, as Anstruther shrugged. 

"I'm tougher than I look." 

"You must stay here," Cora said, "We have people coming to dinner. SO it'll be easy!" 

"OH that sweet," Anstruther smile and gently placed her hand on Cora's.

"James, Please tell Mrs. Hughes that Lady Anstruther will be staying and if she could prepare princess Amelia?" Cora asked James, as his eyes slightly widened, but nodded. 

"Very good, your ladyship." 

Later that night at dinner, when they boys and Mary had gotten back, Peter was describing his kill to Charlotte. Less gruesome, but still impressive. 

"Ms. Sara bunting," Mr. Carson said opening the door to reveal the teacher. 

"What on earth is she doing here?" Charlotte could here her father ask. She smiled, and excused herself from Peters story to greet her. 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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