What was that..?

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Alright, new school, new me, I guess. Everyone on the bus seemed nice enough (Nobody really talked to me though, but thats fine.) There were countless groups of people murmuring and gossiping among eachother. Everyone seemed to know everyone and I was sort of just, there. How would I be able to fit in in a place like this?? No.. I can't put myself down, I'll do great here! I'll have friends, and get good grades, just like I did back in Portland. This will be easy!
I walked up the steps below the largely engraved words 'Jeanes High School'. A banner hung from the archway that read 'Welcome Back!' I got inside, and the whole place came into view. Tan tile floors, and bright cyan lockers. It was so unfamiliar, yet almost.. calming?? I don't really know. I took out my schedule and reread the class numbers and started searching for my classes.
I spoke too soon about this being all easy and stuff. How was I expected to know where classroom 1250-B is?? Maybe I could ask someone for help- no, that would be pathetic, I can find my own way. Wait, where am I right now?? I-
Everyone's heads turned to look at the source of the sound.
Two males walked in, one a blonde and the other a brunette. Just from looking at them, you could already tell they were popular. People all around started whispering as they walked past, but they didn't stop for anyone. They walked past me and down the hall before they turned the corner and were gone. Probably best if I don't mess with them. I have a feeling they're trouble.
Well, enough of that- looking back down at the schedule, I decided it was best to try and search for my first class before I ended up being late.
Okay so.. if I'm at the treasury now, then that means I go- right??? God, they really should've given me a map or something, that would've helped me out a LOT right now.

"Seriously, leave me alone guys. You're really annoying!"

From around the corner I heard someone-, a girl. I'm not sure who she was talking to, but it sounded like she was mad at them. "Aw, c'mon babe.. What were you expecting us to do when you're dressed like that?"

"Leave me alone!"

Jeez, those guys really can't take a hint. I should help her-

"Hey, Richard and Marty, Isn't it a bit early to start harassing people?"

Huh? Oh, those guys from earlier, the two popular looking kids. "Aww, oh no.. look how scared I am!! Now why don't you mind your own buisness, idiots?"

Man, those two other guys are huge jerks! "Huh? Who're you callin' idiots? If we see you doing any of that trash again, you'll be sorry." It was the brunette doing most of the talking here. He seemed to be almost the 'leader' of the two of them.

"Pff, what do ya think, Marty?"

"I dunno, man."

Those two guys harrasing the girl, Richard and Marty, really needed a taste of their own medicine. "We should listen to 'His Higness, King Exer, shouldn't we?"

I began to back away, hoping that the situation was under control now. I looked back down towards my schedule, but out of the corner of my eye I saw something- unusual.

Their- Their shoes..

Why was there green?

Like.. mist of some sort?

The laces were moving on their own, tying themselves together, almost more efficiently than if a person was doing it. Was nobody else seeing this?

"Yo, guys!"

"Watch your step."

And as the one, who's name I'd assume now was Exer said that, the green mist dissapeared and they both tripped, unexpectedly falling and hitting the ground.

"Hah, that's karma for you, losers!!"

The blonde one shouted out before turning and highfiving the other.

So, he didn't notice? How could they not have?? The shoelaces literally tied themselves together infront of my eyes!

Richard and Marty got up and walked away, and as I was about to leave, my time of going unnoticed ended and Exer looked back and stared at me.

He turned around fully and glared at me, and it seemed that everything around him went dark. As he looked at me, almost angrily, I watched his eyes literally light up with green.

The same green from the shoes.

What's going on..?

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