Date night

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Sebastian is on their bed that's littered with books, distracting themself with their study. Seemed a good idea, considering that it's either trying to wrap their head around physics or watching Duke, who is by the mirror getting ready for his date. This attempt seems void as Duke keeps asking questions about what he should say and do, hoping that Sebastian could hand down some of their wisdom.

The thought that their knowledge could lead Olivia to enjoy her time with Duke more than necessary, but a part of the deal was not only to get him the date but to give him tips, so Sebastian brought up that Olivia's favourite flowers are violets.

Now, if Duke wasn't so preoccupied with getting ready for this date, the one he's been waiting for what feels like a lifetime, maybe, just maybe, he would have questioned how Sebastian knew her favourite flowers or why they currently looked like they were shot in the chest.

Duke finally leaves for his date, and Sebastian has a confusing mixed feeling of relief and anxiousness, something they have never felt before, a feeling they want desperately to disappear. It does not help that they are left alone with nothing but a mountain of boring books and their brain that can only think of crazy scenarios of the date that has probably already started.

Images of them cuddled up into one another, falling in love, Olivia forgetting about Sebastian, even imagining what duke and Olivia's wedding would look like. Would they be in a church, beach, or even a destination wedding?

Needing to escape their own thoughts, Sebastian makes some calls to their mates to see if any are free.

"Hey, Paul, l was wondering if you are free?"

"Oh, you have plans already; yeah, all good, have fun."

Sebastian goes through their contacts, desperate to see who is free.

"Hey, Kia, you fr--?"

"Oh, you're going out with the guy whose left eyebrow is almost on the side of his face?"

Sebastian is almost mad at the fact that Kia is going out with some rando instead of her best friend.

"Yvonne, please, please, please tell me you are free" Sebastian is begging at this point.

"Wait, you are? Thank God, I've been driving myself crazy." Sebastian can feel their heart calm down, hearing the voice of their friend.

"Yep, l will meet you in ten," Sebastian responds.

This chapter is for @ni_____ni and @ni_____ni alone. I am working on the next chapter but l have my exams this month so its not looking great. I also want to go over the previous chapters and some does not add up.

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