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Surprise, l am not dead. Trying to improve my writing, but if anyone is interested in picking this story up, l already have the plot sorted. It's just the fuller that takes forever to do.

Sebastian knows that he and Olivia didn't play it off well, so in order to play it off, he's been making sure Olivia and him don't interact in public too much and thrown a couple of smirks and grins to the girls who have previously thrown themselves at him. Anything to make the already questions rumours into dust. But even with all the effort, it doesn't seem to have done much; feeling the frostbite from his roommate is not something Sebastian wants to become acquainted with.

Sebastian walks away from the canteen line, making his way to where all the soccer boys sit. He is still unsure if he will receive a warm welcome; everyone on the team, hell the whole school, knew about Duke's feelings for Olivia and the recent news going around the gossip mill, which might lead to Sebastian losing his friends just got.

"Sup Sebastian", Andrew called out, followed by nods from everyone besides Duke.

Great, it's going to be awkward; Sebastian awkwardly cringed

"Hey, guys", He responds, rubbing the back of his head.

As Sebastian gets closer, he realised that his usual seat next to Duke is now taken by Duke's gym bag. Looking around and seeing a seat open and spots one next to Toby. Sebastian plops down while trying to not attract too much attention from the apparent shift in the friend group. They were able to make it through the majority of lunch until one of the halfwit first-year students on the team decided to ruin it.

"Is it true you shagged up with Olivia the other day?"

The spoonful of chocolate pudding that was on its way to Sebastian's open mouth fell to the tray with a thud.

All the boys who weren't that close to Duke and Sebastian, like Andrew and Toby, didn't realise the fuel they were adding to the flame by all shouting their approval at the idea of Sebastian being with Olivia, who has been known to shut down any high school suitors.

"Yeah, man, what's up with that?" Duke asked aggressively.

"C'mon, Duke, l already told you it is just a stupid rumour", Sebastian whined, having enough of this never-ending conversation.

"Wait, why is Duke so pressed by you being with Olivia? The last l checked, they weren't even a thing?" said the same halfwit from before.

"Come one dude, anyone with eyes knows that Dukes been in love with that girl since he laid eyes on her", defended another guy on the table.

"True, but they never dated, and Duke already asked her out, and she said no, so he has as much claim to be upset as anyone else in this school," another kid rebutted.

"Nah, bro, you can't forget about the bro code; Dukes got a right to be mad."

"He's never really talked to he – He still liked her fir – that's so dumb" an argument took over the table. Duke soon stormed off, not being unwilling to hear another word about Sebastian and Olivia. 

She's the manOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora